Untitled Part 10

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After a little bit of me sitting around doing nothing i decided to text Lexie 

(M~Meghan, L~ Lexie)


L~Yes, yes I am but it is boring as fuck and i really need a friend

M~ I'm here aren't I

L~ yeah I guess, I wish you where here though.

M~ Yeah same, I really want you to come see Ireland its a beautiful place but it is always raining so good luck

L~ eh it doesn't matter as long as I would get to see you I would be happy

M~ Awww arn't you sweet, but for real how are you texting me isn't your teacher going to catch you or something

L~ One I'm in the back all by my self and two she isnt walking around or anything we are supost to be doing a 20 question thing but I kinda got destraced by someone

M~ Do you want me to stop texting you so you can get your work done?

L~ Nah talking to you is better plus no one is doing their work

M~ That's nice I guess but anyways I GTG Jack wants to go to the store but he doesnt want to leave me here we probably are going to get junk food but I should be back REALLY soon

L~ Oh okay I'll talk to you when you get home

I want to cry inside Jack what the hell you know im busy but I forgive him saying he is my new dad of corse

"Come on Meghan I don't got all day we need to go to the store"

"Okay I'm coming!"

I walked over to jack and just looked at him

"What did I do"
"I was talking to Lexie you know my only friend that I talk to and miss a lot"
"Okay I'm sorry is that better but we needed to go to the store and I promise I will leave you alone after words if you just go with me"
"Fine only because your my dad and the only one for that matter"

We got you the store and I saw Daniela there and I almost flipped I didnt want her to see jack well she kinda did in the car but she didn't LOOK at him his green hair and everything

"Um jack can you go and get some milk"
"But we have milk"
"Well go get more"
"Oh okay fine"

Just as he walked away Daniela saw me

"MEGHAN HI what are you doing here"
I just shrugged my shoulder
"Don't start doing that because one your voice was amazing from what I heard and too you are hiding your dad because I heard that boy and I want to meet h
"Okay I won't do this anymore I'll talk to you even though I hate my accent its very strong and I hate it so much and yes I am hiding my dad because I want you to be surprised by him"
"Well I love your voice and your dad sounds-"
I face palmed but grabbed Daniela and covered her eyes and Jack came around the corner

"I got the milk for you you weirdo and why does it look like your kidnappin a girl do I need to make room in the car for a dead body"
"Meghan I don't get why I can't see your dad he sounds amazing and really funny and yes make room in your car but not for a dead body hopefully"
"Okay DAD this is my friend Daniela and I'm not letting you see him because he is that cool and don't you have a ride home with your parents"
"I walked here my parents where fighting like always and I kinda go to the store or the park just to walk around buy PLEASE let me meet him he sounds so cool and very funny"
"Okay fine what ever but don't freak out"

jack is looking at me like he is not ecspecting what ever is going to happen
I uncovered her eyes and she flipped

I grabbed her againa and covered her mouth

"okay so shut up in a friendly way and Jack can we go home we got what we need plus more milk"
"Uh yeah lets go"
The whole way there and the car ride back to my place I had Danielas mouth covered then when we got to my room I let it go

"Wow your very persistence and oh my god I love your room"
I looked at my phone and saw no text from Lexie which got me bummed

"Awe baby what's wrong why is my poo bear sad"
"My friend from America idk I just miss her alot and I dont get how jack can have so many of them and not be sad all the time"
"I don't know hun but everything is going to be fine"
"I guess I just miss her"
"Is she able to Skype or something?"
"No she is at school right now"
"Well let's bother her"
She grabbed my phone out of my hands and went threw my contacts
"Whats her name?"
"Found her, hey this is Meghan's friend daniela, she is very sad right now and I was wondering if you where able to at anything to make her smile of happiness"
"Um Dani I don't know if that was a good idea she could be in class and I dont want to get her in trouble"
"Well to bad and she answers"
"What she did?" I say in amusment questioning why she aanswered
"She said awwww well tell her that I'm trying to convince Mr iplier if we could go to Ireland for a bit so I can see you and hang out with you more and j just really want to see Ireland. If I could just ask a question who is Mr.Iplier"
"Her dad "
"His last name I's iplier"
"No is Fischbach but its his username for youtube which he does."
"Oh well then it still sounds stupid"
"Okay well my name is stupid too Mcloughlin "
"That's not stupid that's a cool last name"
"what ever you say"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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