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Meghans POV
when we got to the house mark pulled out his phone im guessing to make a vlog
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier, and I'm here with- " "JACKSEPTICEYE!" still got to remind myself that , that's my new dad
"And we both have a short announcement to make! It's a new addition to both of our family's"  "We adopted!" Jack basically yelled 
Mark pointed the camera at alexia "So this is Alexia " then he pointed the camera at me 
"And this is Meghan " Jack said 
 "So we both decided to adopt a child because there are a lot of children in need of a home and I suggest that if you have fertility problems or just plain out single like me. Go out and adopt a child they come in different age groups and some of them been though a lot ! Alexia and Meghan will be at Pax so you can see them tomorrow! Well that's it for this vlog! Thanks for watching and ill see you in the next video Buh-bye!" He ended his vlog and turned to me and Alexia
"At Pax were gonna do signing the first day, panel the second, and third day we do whatever the hell we want! Okay?"
"OKAY!" Me and Alexia yelled
"Good! Where is everyone gonna sleep?" "I say that Mark and Jack share a room! Meghan and I can stay in my room and we can build pillow fort!" Alexia said smirking I think because of her little septiplier thing
"Yeah let's do that!" I said
"Does anyone object?" "I do!" Of course you do Jack
"Why is that Jackaboy?" Alexia asked
"Mark is a bed hog!" "Better snuggle close then!" Alexia started running up the stairs with me closely behind I heard Jack yelling
"Look they're already again us, Mark!" I started laughing and we went into Alexia's room we started laughing and gathering supplies for the pillow fort
"Nice job Lex you got Jack to admit he has been in the same bed as Mark" "Yeah I know and I'm proud of it and did you call me Lex?" "Yeah it that okay?" "Oh yeah I was just wondering I like it" "Awesome now lets get this pillow fort done " "Yeah!"
We soon got it done and it wasn't much but it looked cool for us
We made the flooring just pillows and blankets we had left over and the ceiling was a sheet we tied up to her bed and dresser and man what can I say we are lazy kids
"Lex lets agree we are too lazy for this." "Yeah"
We crawled in and fell asleep


I was sleeping happily until Mark and Jack trued getting us up
"Alexia! Meghan!" "Wake up!"
I groaned and got up but layed down on her bed listing to what was happening
"Fuck Off." Alexia said man she is feisty
"You had to choose a feisty one didn't you, Mark?" Jack said I kinda just laughed a little Jack you don't know who you picked
"Yep! Alexia get up!" "I would love to go but, I am way to comfortable" God dammit Alexia just come on
"Come on we have breakfast!" Mark said I got up and walked over to jack
"Wait, did you say food?" Ahh she is my sister no dought about it drawned by food nice to know
"Yeah we-" "FOOD!" Alexia shouted
I was laughing but when I looked at Jack it made me laugh harder he was on the ground laughing his ass off
"Way to assert yourself , Mark!" Jack said trying to talk but kinda failing
"What can I say Jack , I love food just as much as Mark loves space!"
Lex said walking out with me following behind her
"I do love space " Mark said walking out the door
We ate breakfast and my I sy it was awesome and then Mark was checking to see if everyone was ready but Alexia needed to grab something
"Hold on let me check something" and she ran up the stairs soon after coming down with something but I think im the only one who noticed it alexia what are you going to do"
We soon Arrived at Pax and met up with Bob and Wade and they where signing stuff until Mark came
"I'm here!" Mark basically yelled and all the girls screeched
"Way to steal our thunder , Mark!" Bob said
"What can I say , I'm irresistible" "Yeah , says the one who is single!" Wade said
They all started to laughing until they looked at me and Alexia
Wade crouched down to be eye level with us
"So this must be Alexia and Meghan! They're so adorable!"
Alexia wisperd something in his ear the he looked at her
"Well I'm done" and walked to Bob
 "What did you say!" Mark asked
"I told him to shut up " "Good job!" "YAY!"
"Okay lets go to the signing booth."
When we got to the signing booth me and Alexia sat down on a couch that was behind the chairs then we heard a bunch of feet
"They're here." Mark said quietly  im scared
Soon the crowd was there and Mark got everyone attention Alexia got up and pulled out the thing and the thing was glitter? Okay  I just didn't stop her I wanted to see what she was going to do with it
Most fans looked at Alexia but she told them to be quiet and they did when Alexia got behind Mark she opened the container and poured some on his hair .
"MARKLE SPARKLE HAS RETURNED!" She yelled and the whole crowd started laughing me too when Jack say Mark he quickly coverd his mouth to stop himself from laughing then Alexia went up to Jack and poured the rest on his hair
"AND NOW I PRESENT JACKLE SPARKLE! TOGETHER THEY MAKE THE SPARKLE COUPLE!"  The crowd gave her  applaud and she bowed and sat down next to me again I look at Bob and Wade and they where dyeing after a while of Mark and Jack complaining they started laughing too soon another person came up for the signing
"Aren't they just precious?" She said
"Oh yes they are." Mark chuckled
After the signing we went out for dinner and there Mark and Jack kept trying to get glitter out of there hair
"It won't go away! It just keeps showing up!" Mark whined while I sat there laughing
"Glitter herpes." Alexia murmured smiling
"Glitter herpes?" "Yeah, once you found some glitter it keeps popping up on your clothes, in your hair, and that particular spot under your eye that glitter always seems to end up .Just like herpes" She said not really trying
"Well this is going to be a pain in the ass to get out" "Also I wouldn't be surprised if Chica managed to get some glitter in her fur"
"Fuck" Mark said in realization

We soon got home and Mark and Jack took a shower while me and Alexia feel asleep in the fort again

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