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Ayee! (Typo warning, was too lazy to read it through lol)
So, I know this story was a bit shorter than my other ones, but it was supposed to be like that in the first place.
Needless to say, I really enjoyed writing Au revoir, and I want to thank everyone for your incredible support with this story, once again.

I've had an idea like this for very long, I got it way back when I was writing Redamancy's first chapters. So after I was done with that, I made this happen, and I'm happy with the result.

*Fun fact, I originally planned to draw pictures of the story to the chapters, but that idea never came to life, due to the reason of how many hours I would've had to put into making them, however I do have a couple un-used sketches, one being the original cover art for Au revoir(the one up there), I never liked the cover art I have right now very much, since Zelda looks a bit too serious, if you've read the story entirely, you'll know that her personality was everything but serious. She's often pictured being sad, sometimes very happy, mad sometimes, caring, loving. Etc.*

The research I did for this story took me too much time lol. If you ever happen to google about world war two, you'll see how for example it was really the exact same day I writed the war started. And how the streets where Zelda and Midna live are real-life streets located in Paris, the presidents Zelda mentions are the ones at the time of the war, Germany had reached Paris in that same day in May. Etc. It was quite fun though, I learned and remembered alot of things I had forgotten since school.

I also studied French and German for the story, I also had couple of friends whom are from Germany and France who helped me find the right words when needed to. If you're German or French, I know the language I used is NOT perfect. Neither is my English.

So, even for a short story like this, I had to do work for.

Sentence translations.

French - Au revoir means Good-bye.
Soupir means sigh.
Beaucoup de câlins et de bisous means hugs and kissess.
Arrivée à Paris means arriving In Paris, who would've tought.
Là vous allez means there you go.
Merci means thank you.
Nom de dieu means, like, ehh damn you or something like that.
Je suis vraiment désolé means I am so sorry.
Oh pour l'amour de dieu means oh for god's sake.
Boche is a insulting name the French had for the Germans during the second world war.
Bonsoir means good evening.
Bonne nuit, ma princesse means good night, my Princess. Gee.
Pas mal means not bad.
Réveur means dreamer.
Mére and pére are a simple words for mom and dad.
Damné means doomed.
Vous aimer means much love.
Personne ne doit quitter Paris means nobody is allowed to leave Paris.
Tu es entrain de blaguer means you have to be kidding me.
Non means no, I would've never be able to figure that out.
Hou la la means woah.
Miel means love or dear.
Calmez vous means calm down.
Toutes nos félicitations means congratulations.

German - Ist dieser platz noch frei means Is this seat free, and all of the following languages Link spoke meant the same thing.
Sie erschrecken mich nicht means you don't scare me.
Wir sehen uns means see you.
Mitternach means midnight, Midna didn't have a big role on the story, but since her name already comes from midnight I had a little fun with it and translated it to German.
Nein, hör auf means no, stop it.
Das ist meine frau means this is my wife.
Deine frau means your wife(question).
Ja means yes.
Sehr gut means very well.
Sagen sie ihrer fray, dass sie so süß means tell your wife that she is so cute.
Du verdienen zu sterben means you should die/be killed.
Danke means thank you.


"The history of the royal family of Hyrule, is also the history of the Calamity Ganon. A primal evil that has endured over the ages." - Impa, Breath of the wild. (I won't tell from which part of the game the Botw references are since there are still many people who haven't played the game and wish to find out them on their own.)

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