Four - She's with me

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                                                               ~ 10th of August ~

Today was the day. Zelda is starting her new job.
As her alarm clock went off and started to make the exasperating beeping sound she smashed her fist on top of it to make it shut up. She stretched and wondered in her mind is it really worth it to get up at 6.15 am. She got up after turning and tossing around her bed for ten minutes. She walked to the kitchen. She stuffed a croissant into her mouth and opened the curtains revealing a bright morning light shining right to her apartment. She walked to the bathroom and quickly washed her face and put on some light makeup. She tied her hair up to a elegant chignon. Then she dressed up into her longest body tight skirt and her jacket.
6.50 am. She has to leave in ten minutes. She put her triangle earrings onto her pointy ears and placed her hat on top of her head. Then she put her notebooks and folders to her bag along with the green pendant. She hopped into her heels and walked outside.

The weather was cloudy. She hoped that it won't start raining mainly because she doesn't have an umbrella with her. She walked inside a huge building and went all the way to the seventh floor where her new partner was supposed to be waiting.

"Bonjour! Zelda Fraysse, I suppose?" She heard an voice say behind her back. She turned around and saw a very tall male character stand in front of her. He had weird pointy red hair, yellow eyes and huge body build. "Groose Decelles." He shook Zelda's arm very strongly.

"Pleased to meet you." Zelda responded trying to get her hand out of Groose's strong grip.

"So, you are the new pretty lady that starts working in here, am I correct?"

Zelda nodded.

"You know Zelda, you're a bit too pretty to be working here, how about me and you go grab a bite to eat soon? We could talk about this whole work thing with you.. I have a place where you could work other than here.." He smiled creepily and hooked his big arm around Zelda.
Zelda tried to figure out what is this man doing, she has been in here for five minutes and he's trying to get her to a date with him? Not gonna happen, she thought in disgust.

"Groose, why won't you go and try to catch someone your size." They both then heard a voice say behind their backs. They turned around and saw a familiar face dressed in green standing in front of them. Link. "I'm sorry, she's with me." He continued and dragged Zelda away from Groose.

"Oh pour l'amour de dieu.." Groose stated angrily. "Why do you always have to ruin everything for me, boche?!" He boiled from anger.

"Sie erschrecken mich nicht." Link laughed. "You have no rights to talk to Zelda like that."

"I'm her new coworker!" Groose shouted flames burning in her eyes.

"Not for long." Link stated. "Now if you'll excuse me, we have a meeting starting in ten minutes. We need to go. Wir sehen uns!" He waved at the angry looking Groose and dragged Zelda with her.

"What the h- .. What are you doing in here?!" Zelda asked Link after they got a bit further away from Groose.

"I work in here." Link started. "Well kinda."

"I thought you are on vacation!" Zelda wrenched her arm away from Link's.

"I said I'm here to escape the atmosphere of Germany, not work." He winked his eye at her. "I travel alot during my work."

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