Chapter 9: A Soaring Confession

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After going through couple of fights with both the Heartless and the Nobodies, the group decided to take a little break.

"I never thought the Nobodies would be here too." Sora said.

"Which means our work here is now doubled." Donald said. The group were resting and were observing what's left of the Museum. The artifacts were okay, but the floor was damaged.

"Hey, Donald, Goofy." Lola said, gaining the King's soldiers attention. The duck and dog duo walked over to her and saw that she was with her Loud sisters and brother.

"What do you need ladies?" Goofy asked.

"Lola told us that Sora and Kairi liked each other, is that correct?" Lori asked.

"Yes." Donald said. His answer caused the girls to leave and the sounds of squealing was heard. Then they came back with smiles on their faces.

"Did either one of them tell each other how they feel?" Luna asked.

"Nope." Donald said.

"We gotta do something." Lynn said.

"I don't think we should." Lincoln said.

"Oh c'mon, the two would make a perfect couple." Leni said.

"But wouldn't that be muddling?" Goofy asked.

"Meddling!" Donald corrected.

"You two don't know what my sisters do." Lincoln said.

"I can picture it now." Lola said. "The two are holding hands and Kairi is resting her head on Sora's shoulder."

"C'mon guys! We gotta go!" Riku said entering the scene, gaining everyone's attention and they all followed him. They were outside and saw many Heartless waiting for them.

"That's a lot of Heartless." Hunter said.

"So, what's the plan your Majesty?" Tabby asked.

"We'll go in pairs in there." Mickey said. "Sora, you and Riku will-"

"Excuse me your Majesty!" Lori said.

"Yes, what is it Lori?" Mickey asked.

"Can I make the assigned pairs?" Lori asked.

"Sure, go ahead." Mickey said.

"Sora, you and Kairi will go first." Lori said, then she announced the other pairs. Lincoln with Riku, Donald with Goofy, herself with Mickey, Leni with Clyde, Lana with Lola, Hunter with Luna, Aiden with Luan, Perry with Lynn, Lucy with Haiku, Tabby with Lisa, and Priscilla with Giggles. As for Pablo, he gets back inside and take care of Lily for them.

"Let's go!" Sora said as the pairs all ran in the battlefield while Pablo stays with Lily.

Pairs vs Many Heartless

Sora and Kairi attacked many Heartless using combo attacks and the rest were working with their partners, attacking the Heartless.

"This is easy!" Donald said as he and Goofy did a team attack by Donald casting firaga and Goofy doing his Goofy Tornado with his shield.

"That's because we're working together in pairs and the Heartless could break it any minute now." Lisa said.

"We handled them before." Sora said as he strikes a Heartless with armor.

"Well-" Before Lana can say anything, a loud scream made everyone stop.

"ROOOAAARRR!" A old creature went as the Heartless all ran away from the fight.

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