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Khushi and Arnav reached Shantivan, after spending the most beautiful evening together.

Their confession, their love, their marriage- everything was real.. and just this thought itself, made Khushi blush.

Like a perfect gentleman, as always, Arnav opened the passenger door for Khushi to get out of the car.

They were both completely drenched in the rain and both were shivering in cold.

Arnav quickly wrapped his arms around his wife, to make her feel comfortable and prevent her from the shivers.

They finally entered the mansion and realized that everybody had already retired to their respective rooms, after the busy evening at the religious gathering.

Everyone except Nani..

"Chotte, Khushi bitiya! Where were you both? I was so worried. Both of your phones were even out of reach!"

Exclaimed the old woman.

"Umm.. Actually nani, Khushi went to buaji's place as her father wanted to see her. So, I just went to pick her up from there," replied Arnav sounding confident to convince Nani.

Nani- You had dinner?

Khushi- Yes, Naniji. We did.

Nani- All right then. Please both of you go and get a shower or else you will fall sick. It's not good to stay in drenched clothes for long.

Both of them complied with Nani's orders and started to proceed towards their room.

That is when Nani summoned Arnav.


"Yes, nani?"

He answered.

"I want to talk to you for just a minute. When you are done taking shower, please come to my room," she stated.

"Is everything all right? Di is fine right?"

Asked a worried Arnav.

Khushi thought it was better, to leave the two people alone for their discussion.

She looked at Arnav, her eyes telling him that she was going to their room.

Arnav reciprocated the same way and assured her that he would be there soon.


Arnav went closer to Nani and asked her- "what's wrong?"

"Chotte, I'm worried about Anjali Bitiya. She is completely broken. I don't know how to bring her back to life. Do you think it is needed, to call Damadji..."

And before the woman could complete the sentence.. Arnav exclaimed in anger-


"No way, nani!! I can't let that person, who is the sole reason for Di's present condition to get the audacity to ruin her life once again."

He continued-

"I know di aint fine and she won't be fine for sometime. But, if I make the mistake of calling back that low life once again in her life, then the aftermath is certainly going to be more grave. So grave, that maybe then, it will be impossible for di to survive. Because, I know that man. He can never change. Such sickness never changes. And its far better to suffer temporarily, rather than lead a miserable life forever. Temporary satisfaction can never give permanent happiness."

ArShi SS: You Are Only Mine, Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now