Dazai x F!Reader

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This was requested by XNiaProductionsX um...this is just going to be a cute little fluff fic. Probably not to long but not to short either. So enjoy.
Title- Our Little Gift

"Hey [Y/N] you know what today is right~" You heard your brunette lover say from the doorway of your living room. He had his hand not-so-secretly hidden behind his back. You could tell that he probably brought something special home to you. You also knew that today was your 3rd year anniversary and you were rather excited to see what had had in store for you this year.

"Oh course I do how could I forget." You said smiling batting your [E/C] eyes in a cute manor as if to try and make him give away what he had already without even saying anything.

"Well I'm going to be busy most of the day with this. Your not aloud to see till later so you have to promise not to peek okay." He said in a cute and childish voice and it happened to make you blush. Which only made him smile more.

"Okay, I promise. I will miss you all day though." You said in a cute and pouty voice as your lover smirked and walked out your front foo waving goodbye and blowing you a kiss. You returned the favor and then sat there in the couch a blushing mess. What did he have. Why did he have to spend all day on it. Ah this anticipation was going to kill you. So you decided you would make you and Dazai the most perfect dinner you could create.

<How long will you be gone?> You texted him and waited for your reply so you could see how long you had to cook. So you wouldn't have to worry about not finishing.

<Probably 5 or 6 hours. Talk to you later okay. I love you bye.> He texted back to you which only went to show that whatever he was doing was keeping him busy.

<Okay, love you too bye.> You replied and put your phone down on the coffee table and then walked out into the kitchen. You knew you had some steaks that you could un-thaw in your freezer. So you decided on a simple yet fancy steak dinner. (Sorry if your vegan I don't mean any hate with this.) Two well done steaks and glasses of red wine. Maybe a side of potatoes because they always went so good with steak.

You began making the food for you and your lover.

**FFW Till Dinner is all made and Dazai is back.**

You had the table all set with fancy candles, both plates set and Dazai was set to come back any minute. You were dressed in a little black dress, it wasn't to fancy because it was just an at home anniversary dinner and you didn't want to look like you were going to a club. You heard the front door open and close as you watched as Dazai walked in with empty hands. Which confused you but maybe he had bigger plans.

"Welcome back dear, how way your day?" You asked him smiling and walking behind him and taking his trench-coat off for him, and set it on the couch as you took his hand and smiled looking at him. "Heh come on I have a little surprise for you to. I know you will love it, i'm sure your hungry." You said to him as you took his hand and lead him to the kitchen/dining room where the plates were set and the lights were dimmed.

"Oh wow looks like you had fun with this one, I can't wait to dig in." He said leaning down and puling you into a quick hug while kissing your cheek then letting you go so that you could sit down and start eating. After eating and chatting about random things like you two always did. Dazai decided that it was about time that he could show you the surprise that he had been planning. Little did you know, was that this actually took a few months to plan.

"Okay I know it's been a long time but there is something that I have been meaning to get you for about a year now. I think its about time that you seen what it is don't you think." He said smiling and letting you outside making sure to stay behind you. You walked out and seen (your favorite dog breed)puppy running about in the back yard and then right up to you.

"Awe it is so cute Dazai." You said keeping your eye on the dog as you picked it up to pet him you noticed there was something small engraved on it's collar. The simple yet major four little words.

"Will you marry me?"

Your heart fluttered as you turned around "Awe Dazai did you-" You didn't get to finish your sentence before you fully turned around and seen Dazai on one knee with a little black box and a ring. You almost dropped that poor puppy.

"So will you marry me [Y/N]?" He asked again in a charming voice that made you start to slightly cry as you set the puppy down and wiped your tears.

"Heh, of course I will."

You said as he stood up put the ring on your finger and pulled you into a tight loving hug .


Yes it is done I know it is short but i still think it's damn cute.

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