Planet Digital

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I followed the two angels to their ship, which looked liked like a big egg with wings. As we entered, Takeru gave me a nervous look. "You know, for a minute there, I thought your friend was going to attack me or something." I grinned proudly.

"Yeah. You really rubbed off on him badly. He's usually quiet and friendly around new people." Takeru gave me a look.

"What you mean by that?"

"He means that he must have sensed something about us and felt threatened about it. He immediately went on the defensive and was willing to protect Davis if he needed to," Hikari explained as she closed the ship's door behind us.

Takeru groaned as he took his seat. "He's worst than Queen Sora, big brother, and Princess Mimi put together." Hikari and I chuckled as we took our seats.

Hikari pressed many strange buttons and wand thingies to start up the ship. "You may be right about that. But I think it's cute and they do make a good couple, don't you think?" I blushed and Takeru laughed at my embarrassment.

"He is not my boyfriend!"

"Yet," Takeru said slyly.

"Shut it, angel boy!" I glared at him. "Besides, I don't even know if he likes me or not," I said more calmly.

"You're kidding, right? From where I was standing, he was obviously ready to protect what was his..." For the entire ride, I argued with Takeru until we landed onto Planet Digital. And by that I mean that I forgot to dream a way to land the ship, so we crashed.

Once we made sure we were all in one piece, we exited the ship. I looked around and noticed something was off. "Do you recognize your dream world, Davis?" I frowned. Honestly, no. This was why I write everything down.

"Not really. I feel like I should, but I just don't."

Hikari had a sad look on her face. "It's affecting him too," she told Takeru. "I thought that he would just remember if we brought him here."

I turned to them and asked, "What do you mean? What am I supposed to remember?"

"Your dreams," Takeru replied. "This powers."

"I have powers," I asked. That sounded cool. I wonder what they are?

Hikari smiled. "Yes, Davis. You have more than any of us. Don't you know that?" Her wing touched my arm as she walked next to me. "Everything that is or was began with a single dream. And you dreamt us, Davis, and the rest of Planet Digital. Its people, rulers, everything."

"Every dream you ever had lands right here in Planet Digital," Takeru added.

"But why is it so dark." The sky was very dark. It didn't seem right. It didn't seem normal.

"Planet Digital is dying." Dying? How could a planet of data die? I wish Ken were here; he's smart! "It began yesterday. About a year ago a boy called the Kaiser has been attacking many areas of Planet Digital. We were able to beat his armies many times, until recently. We don't know how, but the Kaiser has gotten very powerful suddenly and was able to take out the Royal Knights and the Celestial Digitals." She turned to Takeru. "What's the countdown, Takeru?"

Takeru took out his portable computer and pressed a button. The top opened to reveal a countdown. "The darkness will take over the entire planet in forty-five minutes." That's not a lot of time.

"What do we do?" I asked. Takeru pointed to a very tall black mountain with a house on top of it. A purplish light was coming out of the house.

"We have to go to Spiral Mountain. That is where all your dreams are kept. It's on the other side of the planet."

The Adventures of Takeru and Hikari (Sharkboy and Lavagirl Parody)Where stories live. Discover now