School Report

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The sound of the morning alarm blasted through my quiet room. I blindly reached to push the snooze button on that evil device, but to no avail. The alarm was not there. I sat up and looked around my room. Squinting my eyes in the dimly dark room; I could make out the evil device on my computer table saying 6:30 am. How on earth did it get there? It looked like I had to get up to turn the thing off. Wouldn't want Jun-zilla to barge in and start lecturing me about disturbing her beauty sleep.

Sighing in defeat, I left the comfort of my bed and walked towards my computer table. I slammed the waking device until it stopped. I sleepily walked towards my dresser to pick out a pair of white socks, a clean blue shirt with flames on them, and brown shorts. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to prepare myself for a very long and boring day.

School was never really my thing to begin with, but today was the worst. Today I was supposed to read a report in front of my whole class on what I did during the summer. I personally didn't want to read it. The students in my class were jerks, especially this one kid in my class. It was unfortunate really. This jerk was a big time genius and seemed to take great joy in making me seem stupid. I might like to goof around, but it hurts when people like that do that.

It was actually quite surprising that his little brother was the complete opposite of him. You see, his younger brother is the most kindest person I've ever met. I remember when I first met him, three years ago. He offered to spend time with me when no one wanted to. He was a genius like his brother, but never really bragged about it. When I asked him why he wanted to be with someone like me. He said that he liked me and wanted to my friend. He never criticized me like everyone else did. In fact, he defended me and helped me with my work, when I didn't understand it. He was the best! It was a shame that the jerk always managed to drag his little brother away when he saw us together at lunch. He didn't always succeed, though. All three of us had class together and I just so happened to sit next to his brother. So, ha! Take that jerk!

I entered my class and took my assigned seat, which was next to my best friend, toward the front of the classroom. My best friend was already there, taking out his report out of his purple backpack for class. I smiled widely at him when he looked up at me. "Hey, Ken!"

"Hi, Davis. How are you today?" I smiled at my best friend, the boy prodigy, Ken Ichijouji. Ken is a cute, polite, and a very quiet boy. He just so happened to be the same age as me. Although, he is older by a few months. We are both eleven and have been in at least three classes together, every year, within the last three years. Ken is the captain of the soccer team, while I'm his co-captain. He also has the prettiest violet eyes that I'd every laid eyes on. Well, come on, who would not like him? Violet eyes, chin-length hair that was a unique mixture of violets and blues, creamy-color skin, and a slim figure. I have to agree with his fan club. He is drop dead gorgeous. I would so ask him out on a date if it wasn't for the fact that I didn't know if he would return my feelings, and then there was his brother.

"Great!" I place my blue and red backpack on my desk and searched for my journal. "So, where is that brother of yours?" Please say he's sick or at an interview or something.

"A teacher pulled him over to ask a few things." Damn! "Why you ask?"

"No reason." Maybe I said that a little too quickly.

Ken tilted his head cutely, frowning slightly at me. "You sure? You're not still mad that he got you in detention for releasing all those frogs, for science class, in the girl's locker room, are you?" Yes, I was still mad. Tai was the one who did that, not me! I was at soccer practice. How dare they punish me for something I didn't do?

"Nope, I'm fine," I lied.

"Okkaaayyy, whatever you say, Davis," Ken's voice said in slight confusion and uncertainty. "Anyway, are you doing anything Friday?" I raised an eyebrow in thought.

The Adventures of Takeru and Hikari (Sharkboy and Lavagirl Parody)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon