Chapter Two Vampire Hunter

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You sat next to Zero on his wooden carriage. He is controlling the horses with his reigns while you studied him.

"What are you?" You finally asked.

His eyes widened but he deeply sighed. "Vampire hunter."

"Wait, really? Does your tattoo glow when you sense vampires or something? How did you get that tattoo anyways?" You questioned in excitement.

"It's not important... Enough with the questions..." He narrowed his eyes.

You hung your head in defeat but you want to know why he purchased you.

"Can I ask one more question? It has nothing to do with you being a vampire hunter or anything..." Your voice trailed.

"Go ahead."

"Why did you buy me? What are you going to do to me?"

"I wasn't planning on buying you but I figured you would be safe with me instead of another person plus I might need you for something," he said in a low voice.

"And what is that?"

"You will find out when the time is right," he muttered.

You hung your head again as you felt the cold breeze numbing your face. You couldn't wait to get to his home so you won't be cold anymore, but you are really worried about your father...

"What is the matter?" Zero asked.

"I'm worried about my father," you whispered.

"If you would like, I will send some medicine in town for him as soon as we get home," he offered.

You felt hopeful. "Wait? Really?!"

"Yes, it won't be a problem."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" You shouted out loud.

Zero gave a small smile and that's the first time you saw him happy. Maybe Zero isn't so cold after all...

*~*~*~*~*~*~*Beauty and the Vampire*~*~*~*~*~*~*

You and Zero have arrived at his castle and you gasped at its beauty. The castle is very dark but there are plenty of colorful stain glass windows that make the castle look breathtaking.

The castle is also four stories high. You couldn't help but admire it. You have never been in a large home before.

"I will show you to the guest room," Zero said.

"Okay." You followed after Zero as he led you upstairs in a large room with fine silky white sheets on a king-sized bed with large, white drapes hanging from the ceiling, over the bed.

There are also beautiful matching curtains that cover the windows and white, expensive furniture around the room such as a small love seat, a small couch, white rugs, and a white coffee table. The floors are wooden while the walls are medium gray.

"Are you hungry?" Zero asked.


"Alright, I will leave you alone. You can roam around the castle if you please but I do have one request."

"What's that?" You tilted your head to the side.

"Do not go in the west wing," he ordered coldly.

"What's in the west wing?"

"It doesn't concern you!" He raised his voice.

You gulped. "Okay, I won't go in there..."


You watched as Zero left you in your new room but you keep questioning why he didn't want you to go in the west wing... What is he hiding from you?

*~*~*~*~*~*~*Beauty and the Vampire*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A couple of hours have passed and you just stayed in the guest room. You actually took a nap because you haven't gotten any sleep last night since you were stressed.


You saw Zero come in with a tray of food. He set it down on the coffee table and you felt your mouth watering.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"No!" You got out of the bed to sit down on the couch to dig in. The food looks really good! Zero made you chicken with green beans and cranberry on the side.

Zero sat next to you and watched you intensively as you ate.

"Hey, Zero? I know you aren't from around the village but why did you come around today?" You asked with your mouthful of food.

"I was looking for someone... I thought he would be in the village," he sighed.

You wanted to ask who he was looking for but you decided to just shut up and eat your food. You don't want to seem too noisy.

"Is it good?" He questioned.

"It's delicious! Thank you!" You raised your voice.

He gently smiled at you while you continued to eat. You wondered if he will let you go back to your father but you don't want to seem rude. He just saved your life.

"I send medicine for your father in town," Zero announced.

"Thank you," you grinned. You can finally feel at ease about your father even though you wished to be with him...

You didn't understand Zero because he's so cold yet he has a gentle side. He saved your life plus he helped your father... You felt as if Zero came into your life as your guardian angel or a savior...

*~*~*~*~*~*~*Beauty and the Vampire*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Zero left you all alone in this room so you decided to take a shower but when you went into the bathroom, you screeched really loudly.

"I'm so sorry, Zero!" You blushed.

Zero is standing there with a white towel wrapped around his torso, his silver hair is damped and he didn't show any reaction instead, he pushed you against the bathroom wall.


His tattoo on his neck began to glow red and you gulped. You thought the tattoo only shined when there are vampires around but you guess that is not the reason at all!

He stared at you and clenched his teeth. He then leaned into your neck but you heard him grunt.

Zero finally lets go of you and you rubbed your wrists from where he held you. They are throbbing...

"Leave, now," he ordered.

"But, Zero..."


You rushed out of the bathroom and went back into the guest room. What is Zero? He can't just be a vampire hunter. Something doesn't add up and you are scared to find out.

Beauty and the Vampire - ( Zero X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now