Chapter 42: Inside the Box

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Song: "Everglow" By Coldplay

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"Sooo, can I see what else is in the box?"

Sure," he said. "I've got nothing to hide." I rolled my eyes at the irony of that statement. He went to get the box and sat down next to me. "Are you sure you want to see this? Some of it is pretty sappy."

"Yes, but only if you want to show me. I'm okay with not seeing any of it. I want to show you that I can trust you."

The mournful look in his eyes told me that he was indeed very sorry for keeping secrets from me. "I want you to be able to trust me. That's why I want to show you." I nodded in acceptance. He opened the box with a tiny key that I'd never noticed before, which was hanging from his keychain. The first thing he pulled out was a bubble gum machine ring with a large purple "stone" on it. "This cheap thing was what I gave her after our first date. I was such a cheeseball," he laughed. "I asked, Is it too early to ask you to marry me?" 

"Okay, that is kind of corny," I admitted. "But your accent was probably stronger then and I'm sure you were a cute little thing."

"A cute little thing?" He bantered. "Let me show you some pictures." He dug to the bottom of the box and brought out a small stack of photos highlighting his high school years with Cathryn. His hair was much shorter and so curly but I could still see the same handsome, sweet man who was sitting next to me.

"Oh, you were such an adorable dork!" I laughed.

"I beg your pardon," he frowned. "I was a dashing, suave, charismatic man about town."

"Sure you were," I teased. "She was a lucky lady," I smiled and gave him a smooch. 

Next Harry showed me ticket stubs to movies and concerts they'd attended together, a playbill for the musical they were both in their senior year, and sure enough, flattened, dried flowers.

"I used to pick little flowers for her and tuck them behind her ear," he told me. "One day, when my hair was starting to grow long, she picked these and tucked them behind my ear. And she made me wear them all day! I pretended to be annoyed, but obviously I loved it."

Next, he pulled out what I had first thought was just a rock. But upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a ceramic plaque with the imprint of a key and the words "Our First Home" painted onto it, also including their names, their wedding date and the address of the house that Harry had just sold. 

He showed me the rest of the contents of the box and I could see why it was so precious to him, with or without the necklace.

"Thank you for showing me, Harry." I kissed him again. "I'm very honored that you did."

"Would you...I mean, it's okay if you don't, really, but would you like to see our wedding album?" 

"Of course, Harry." 

He got the album and eagerly sat down next to me. I sensed that this was good for him, sorting through the memories, another important step in the healing process. He was absolutely stunning in the wedding photos, if a bit younger and more innocent. She was lovely as well but the images didn't hurt me as one might suspect. Rather, in analyzing the wedding pictures, I recognized something in Harry that I already knew, yet it became that much more clear - Harry had an exceptionally devoted heart, and I knew that I was privileged to be the object of his devotion now.

More tears were shed throughout the afternoon, but they were no longer of the gut-wrenching, desperation-filled kind; they were beloved tears, holding memories of a precious time now past. Harry closed the album with a deep, cleansing sigh. He smiled warmly and then kissed my forehead. "Thank you."

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