And I Wish That You Could See

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  • Dedicated to KenoshaChick

Okay guys. I didn't origionally write this. But I hope you all like it. I feel that it should be shared. And if the origional owner is on this site, then I am giving full credit to her and will delete it at her request. She wrote an amazing book and I hope she doens't mind that I'm sharing it. It is called Sasha nad it is a Twilight fan fiction. It is greatly written and she did amazing lol. I know you will cry because I did. So to KenoshaChick, thank you for this wonderful story.


Part I-Chapter I: And I Wish that You Could See

"Happy birthday, dear Nessie! Happy birthday to you!" The song rang out happily among my family members. It was my sixth birthday, although I looked like a 21-year-old, a result of my untraditional pedigree. Of course this was an Alice affair, elegant and perfectly coordinated; even the gift wrap matched. This birthday was themed with dark blue and rustic, metallic orange. Alice explained she picked colors that harmonized with the color of my eyes. Twinkling lights were wrapped around nearly every available surface, off-beat indie music played softly from overhead speakers, and an enormous cake sat in the center of the kitchen as an homage to my...existence, I suppose. That is the point of birthdays, isn't it? I questioned who was going to eat the giant iris-and-rose covered-cake. No one in my family ate food. I could have gotten some enjoyment from eating it, I supposed.

"Alice you didn't need to go to all this trouble," I pleaded with my insatiable aunt.

"Never mind," she said, quickly dismissing my pleas. "If we didn't have a cake we'd have nowhere to put the candles. Now make a wish!" I rolled my eyes but blew out the candles obediently.

Alice immediately looked over to my father. "Edward, what did she wish?" she asked, hoping my father would reveal what went on in my mind.

"She didn't wish for anything," he answered with an interested smile. He was right.

"Nothing? Oh Nessie, your birthday wish wasted." Alice's cheery face had fallen into mock disappointment. She wanted every detail of my birthday to be perfect and I knew she hated I didn't always cooperate.

"Well, if I had wished for anything, Dad would have heard it and it wouldn't have come true anyway," I said, justifying myself to her. "I'll save my wish for the next shooting star I see,"

"Oh, fine. Jacob, would you like a piece of cake?"

"Of course Alice!" I had forgotten Jake. He could eat half the cake himself. At least it wasn't going to waste.

"Presents! Presents!" Alice sounded. I begrudgingly headed toward the main sitting room and my parents and the rest of the family soon joined me. Jacob sat next to me on the couch with a piece of cake as large as the plate it was sitting on. "Who first?" Alice sang out.

"Just throw them all at me at once. It'll be faster."

"You are just like your mother. You take the fun out of everything."

I noticed my mother give my father a playful jab of her elbow.

"We'll go first Alice," Esme said over Alice's complaining. Alice handed me a modestly sized white box with a blue ribbon around it. I removed the ribbon and gently lifted the lid. Inside was a small watercolor painting of the driveway to the estate. It was a fall scene and trees, covered in vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges, hung over the path. Underneath the painting was a set of new watercolor paints and a small sketchbook.

"Oh Esme, Carlisle! I love it!"

"Esme painted it," Carlisle explained with a proud smile.

"Esme, I didn't know you used watercolors."

Sasha by KenoshaChickWhere stories live. Discover now