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Had to repost this since wattpad wasn't acting right....if you still can't comment let me know


Me and Sabrina walked through the mall, doing some shopping before Aria go out of school. I was supposed to be at work but Bri basically begged me to take off. 

I do anything for my any sister.

Today she seemed different though. Spaced out. Constantly zoning out when I'm talking to her. I know she didn't invite me to go shopping with her for no reason.

It's something serious going on with her.

"Let's go in this kid store for Aria." I said to her.

She simply nodded and turned in the direction that I pointed to.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem out of it today. What's going on? You pregnant or something?"

"Hell no. I'm just....tired, that's all."


"Yeah, that a problem?"

"Nope...so Chris plays for the Clippers now."


"I know you're excited. You don't have to move all the way over to Miami."

"Very excited." She said sarcastically.

"Wait wait, pause. This vibe I'm getting from you is not cool. Are you and Chris still mad at each other."

"We're fine."

"You're lying. You've never been secretive with me Sabrina. Why change now?"

She took a deep breath. "Nicki I wanted to come shopping to get away from all the craziness. Please don't add on to it."

"I'm worried about you. You don't seem happy lately, it even look like you're losing weight."

Her face balled her up and her eyes turned red.

"Okay you're scaring me now." I said pulling her out the store. "Sabrina what's going on? Talk to me." We sat on a bench in the middle of the mall.

"There's nothing to talk about, I'm fine. I'll be okay."

"Why are you being so secretive now? We used to tell each other everything. You always used to run to me and tell me things, what changed?"

"I'm older now, some things I just feel like people don't need to know."

I took a deep breath. "I just want to make sure that you're okay. That's all."

"I promise I'm okay, just a little stressed. But everything is just fine."

"Alright, even though I know you're lying but ok. Can I ask you one last question?"

She nodded.

"Why are there bruises on your arm?"

Sabrina quickly looked down. She had make up covering it but it was smearing on her shirt. The marks were dark purple and looked like fingers.

"So he's abusive?" I asked.

"His temper is just a little out of control." She stood up. "I gotta go, I'm not feeling too well."


"I'll call you later Nicki." She grabbed her bags and rushed out the mall.

Shaking my head I pulled my phone out of my purse and dialed Chris.

Player II: Accustomed To The Game Where stories live. Discover now