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Chapter 4: The Fated Raid

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"Jocas needs these types of herbs." A handful of black and white drawings made their way around the table. Ryadni crossed her legs, leaning over Casten's shoulder with her chin propped on her hand. The petals were shaded beautifully in charcoal in breathtaking detail, covered with a delicate film for preservation.

"Where do they grow?"

Ryadni squinted at Helene through the semi-darkness, the room lit only by the weak candles at either end of the long bench.

"In the swamps of Rubanast."

She traced the lines of charcoal with a long index finger, admiring the details.

"That area is heavily manned." There was a trace of doubt in Casten's normally jovial voice. Ryadni looked up, seeing a guarded on look the face of Helene, Pallas's wife.

"I'm assuming you want us to raid too. My last batch wasn't enough to last through this week?" Ryadni had heard about an accident involving smashed bottles of goods yesterday.

"Correct," Pallas's wife, Helene, answered primly. "I'll need you–" She nodded at Casten. "–and Urseus to go. Pallas will organise a lookout and a fighter to travel with you."

"I'm not going?" Ryadni said.

"You are to stay and teach the trainees."

"But I always go with Casten. Pallas—"

"Pallas left me in charge."


"No buts, Ryadni. Rules are rules. Urseus is almost fully trained; he can more than assist Casten."

Ryadni's back prickled and blood rushed to her face. Through the gloomy darkness, she scowled at Pallas's wife. Helene gazed back steadily. Ryadni opened her mouth to argue but suddenly became aware of the eyes of the other members on her. She gritted her teeth and swallowed her words.

The debrief continued but Ryadni tuned out, glaring down at her rough hands, chipped, short nails, and thick calluses. Her skin was pale, like everyone else, due to lack of sunlight. But she was strong and reliable.

She seethed. Why couldn't she go? She wanted to rip up the drawing in front of her. She could see Casten throwing her a look out of the corner of her eyes and she stared pointedly downwards. She remained that way for the rest of the meeting, not hearing any of Helene's further instructions, and before she knew it, everybody rose to their feet and dispersed to their duties.

"Come on, piglet," Casten said with a grin, tugging at her elbow. She wrenched her arm out of his grasp and stood up stiffly. "I'll come back in time for dinner and play with you."

"I don't need you to do anything, Casten," she said sourly, turning away. "Just don't get yourself killed. We don't have enough Raiders. I have a good mind to come with you regardless—"

"You won't do it. You know Helene has a point."

She said nothing. Standing up, she straightened the hem of her dress and stalked on ahead, fists clenched.

"You know the rules, Ryadni. Pallas and Helene call the shots—it's their place. Kids need to train. We have enough Raiders now Jocas's done her magic." Casten ran to catch up. Ryadni paused at the top of the stairs, her back to him. She had more to say but she swallowed them alongside the anger. She didn't care for the training. She didn't care for the food sourcing. But she couldn't say that.

She fought to keep her breathing even and to stop her heart from pounding so loudly in her ears. With another big breath, she turned and smiled. Casten looked almost uncomfortable.

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