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Staring out a plane window is a wonderful start of a day, especially when you're so afraid of heights you can't even jump on a trampoline. This was the case for Josh Dun. The guy with severe anxiety and voices, voices usually all in his head. He's 17 and he still doesn't know why he hears, "this plane is going to crash at any second," or, "why are you even talking to him? He HATES you." He hasn't bothered to ask anyone either. No one knows how many things he hears from his own mind, and he planned to keep it that way.

  Josh was on his way back to Ohio. His start off in Georgia wasn't so good, the school kids bullied him, called him 'school shooter' and 'emo boy'. It didn't bother him, but it really got to Mr. and Mrs. Dun.  Josh didn't quite know how they found out either, he never talks about school. His voices in his head always tell him, "it slipped. It's all your fault."

After his loving parents confronted the kids, the voices got louder, "they are going to find you, you thought you were bullied before. They will hunt you down." Most of the time the boy didn't listen to a word, but they still worried him.

Josh was forced to pull off his headphones and make sure he buckled his seatbelt, even though he made complete sure that it was fastened and tight.

  "Please be sure your seat belt is fastened, we are getting ready for landing, thank you." Josh gripped the arms of the chair, still stuck on the thought that he could potentially die on this plane.

  It finally landed after what felt like hours and his fingernails seemed to make a mark on the poor seat covers. His mother looked over at him at that second and her face turned from joy to complete panic in seconds.

  "Josh honey are you ok are you fine did something happen talk to me sweetie at least look at me please I'm so sorry-" the words came out and it took Josh a full minute to process the blabbers coming out at the speed of light.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He murmured, not saying anything else because it simply was not worth it.

She nodded her head and they waited for the luggage light came on, all the while Josh's head was messing with him. Of course it was about how his mother apparently didn't care about him. He tried ignoring it, but that never works.

"Joshua, get your bags please." She said, so soft, so gentle, but Josh reluctantly got up and rolled his eyes, grabbing his bag with a side eye to his poor mom. Well, she didn't notice, but it still meant a lot to him to do it at that moment.

Josh made sure to look back at his seat before they left the plane, making sure he had everything. He walked off of the metal bird and stood on the ground with relief.

"Glad to be back in good ol' Columbus." His dad said, adjusting his hat on his head.

"Oh, it's just wonderful. Aren't you excited Joshua?" His mother asked, clapping her hands. He simply nodded his head and started walking away, his suitcase following behind him. His parents looked at each other with the "what should we do?" look.

Ms. Dun decided to follow the boy, since it was smart.

"Here we are." Mr. Dun said, pulling the e-brake of his mother's mustang that he's borrowing until they buy a car.

"This is it?" Josh asked, a concerned expression painting his face.


"It's wonderful Ma." He said, rolling his eyes.

"I think it's just great that we can continue what we left off and come back to this state. And this house really is lovely." She said as she got out of the car.

Josh looked at the house more and more and he still didn't see what she was talking about.


The house was simply the opposite to Josh, a huge downgrade from their previous one.

It was a fairly small neighborhood with small houses looking to be for widows that have yet to move out. And it's not like Josh is trying to be ungrateful, it's just nothing like he's ever seen before.

He walked towards the house and quickly stopped in his tracks. He was being watched. He looked around a little, but saw nobody. Now Josh, being the least paranoid person in his family, thought nothing of it and met his parents at the door.

Walking in, he smelt something sweet. He saw something nice. He felt something promising:

He loves this house.


Hey guys. This was a fairly short and cringy chapter so if you don't like it, sorry lol. But I'm a slow writer so updates will be a little far apart. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!


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