the beginning of everything (or just school)

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The next few days seem to go by very very slowly. i write a lot. It was my favourite thing to do. Midnight would sit on my shoulder whilst i wrote. I mostly wrote adventure stories about wizards or what my life would have been like if i was normal.

Finally its time for us to go to kings cross station.

Draco gets a cart for me and we put all our stuff on two of the carts. We run into the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and i lose draco. I head to the train and someone puts my stuff on whilst i climb on.

"Aria"ginny weasley calls

"ginny" i cry

"Aria what are you doing" draco asks coldly behind me. Im a little surprised by his tone but reply with

"draco this is ginny i met her whilst i was getting my uniform"

"mum wanted me to look after you so you are coming to sit with us" he growls

I sigh but nod. He turns and leaves.

"draco malfoy is your brother" she asks fury in her voice. im confused about why

"no my cousin. Sorry i have to go" i say trying not to let my confusion show.

she turns around after giving me a little wave i turn and walk towards draco giving him an angry look.

"that was rude!" i snap

"she a blood traitor. you cant go mixing with her. besides she is a gryffindore you arent allowed to be nice to gryffindors" he replies simply

"so your like the rest of them are you" i say a little angry and hurt "basing me off what my parents have done"

he instantly realises what he has said "aria i swear i didnt mean it that way. dont be mad at me" he pleads

"fine" i mutter he breaks into a smile and i cant help but smile back. i follow him to his compartment where pansy parkinson, vincent crabbe and gregary goyle sit in it.

"Aria you remember pansy,crabbe and goyle" draco says sitting down in the seats next to crabbe and goyle leaving me with the one next to pansy

"hi"i say cheerfully.

"guys you remember aria right"

"uhhh nope" crabbe says

"Aria lestrange" draco hisses causing crabbe to pail slighty

"thanks draco your scaring everyone away already" i say sarcastically. the others laugh slightly

"so how was your summer aria" pansy asks.

the boys begin talking and i talk to pansy who despite all the stories of how
clingy she was she wasnt actually that bad.

"my letter was late i only got it last week" i say still cheery

"oh i wonder why" pansy says exchanging looks with draco

"because of my parent" i state "they think ill be exactly like them"

the whole carriage is silent

"come off it draco you didnt expect to keep it from me did you what do you think took me so long to read it" i say smirking at him. "anyway come on pansy lets go we have to get changed"

still shocked she follows me out of the carriage and into the girls bathrooms.

"you like Draco dont you" i say

"w...what no" she stutters touching her ear obviously lying

"your lying you stuttered and touched your ear." i state "dont worry though he likes you too"

"he does" she asks hope in her eyes

"yip he talks about you all the time" i say beaming at her.

she blushes red and a girlish smile creeps onto her face. we arrive back in the carriage just as it pulls to a stop. i let my jet black hair fall over my face again as we walk out of the carriage.

"you need to go over to the oaf hagrid" draco says

i give him a sharp look before racing over to the giant who was yelling 1st years or because of his accent it sounded more like first ears.

i stand still slightly nervous waiting. just waiting.

"Aria " ginny calls racing forward towards me.

"ginny" i call back equally as cheerful.

"im so excited what house do you think you will be in" she shouts

"woah ginny your shouting" i shout back

"sorry" she shouts again before saying in a quieter voice "sorry im just so excited so which house do you think youll be in"

i dont get a chance to reply because the next thing i know all of us are being herded towards a set of boats. we climb into a boat and they magically set off.

we all look up as the castle looms above us. its like a castle out a fairy tale. its only the bumb the boats give when they hit a dock that knocks all of us back into reality and we scramble to get out of the boat none of them wanting to et the others know they had been staring at it.

all of us walk into the castle oohing and ahhing at anything and everything passing moving pictures and trunks that were piled high ready to be taken to dormitaries before finally stopping infront of a large staircase where a teacher or professor appears.

she begins a speech which i dont really listen to as im too busy staring around at the amazing details of the castle

"and now we will head through to the great hall for the sorting ceremony. " she says.

im jolted back to the present as we walk into the great hall where 4 tables are laid out. i instantly find draco pansy crabbe and goyle. the first two smile at me as i walk in. which meant the other side must be gryffindor and the middle two ravenclaw and hufflepuff.

i stand next to ginny as the proffessor runs down the list of names each person sat down on a three legged stool and a hat was placed on their head sorting them into each of the four houses.

"lestrange, Aria" she calls.

the room is silent each waiting on the person to step forward.

"they let a lestrange in here we are all in trouble" ginny whispers to me hatred and loathing in her voice. i close my eyes and take a step forward followed by another and another before finally stopping infront of mcgonnigol.

i can already see the disaproving look in her face and cant bare to see what the other students looks are.

"sit down" she orders rather harshly. stumbling slightly i sit down on the seat.

the sorting hat is placed on my head and it begins to speak in my head

"intresting intresting. cunning like a slytherin but a need to prove your not like the rest of your family. kind like a hufflepuff and smart like a ravenclaw....dear me you have to be the hardest person ive had to sort since hermione granger..........hmmm too cunning for a hufflepuff i suppose so that one is out the question your braveness outranks your intellect so it has to be between slytherin and gryffindor." i silently pray not slytherin "not slytherin ehh then it has to be" then out loud the hat shouts "gryffindore"

Aria LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now