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My mind went numb after dumbledore tumbled back off the tower. I put my wand arm down but kept it drawn just staring blankly at the space the greatest wizard i had ever knew had stood. The only one that stood any chance of helping draco or I. My mother was laughing crazily and yelling something about how she knew i wasn't a traitor. I was loyal. And the apple never fell far from the tree.

But honestly i wasn't listening. I turned back to draco with an emotionless expression on my face. I wasn't like my mother. I didn't enjoy killing. 

"we need to leave" Snape says in his usual droning voice. "Unless you want to be sent to azkaban again"

He was addressing my mother more than anyone. We quickly descend to the entrance and as a group begin to head for the exit. That was until harry stormed out of the castle. 

"You" He yelled pointing his wand at me. "You slimy, traitorous toad" he yells 


"protego" my shield is up in seconds. "Your just mad you didn't see this coming" i smirk at him the best i can do at that moment. 

"You just killed someone" He roars. 

"What's your point potter?" i growl "people die all the time"

"Sectumsempra" he screams and this time i jump out the way       

I dont remember much that happened after that. I'm not sure if i blacked out or if my mind just got so overloaded that i did everything thrugh instinct.

I vaguely remember us arriving back at the manor my mother telling the other death eaters what had  happened and me smiling like a loyal death eater as i was congratulated. before excusing myself up to my room. 

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. things had gone too far. I had just murdured someone. sure they were going to die anyway. But it was still difficult. the look on his face kept flying through my mind. it appeared in my vision no matter how hard i tried to forget it. The other thing that kept coming back to my mind was harry's angry, betrayed face. It made me want to cry. They all thought i was a heartless monster,  maybe i was. I didn't know anymore.

4 months later

We had only been back at hogwarts for 4 months and already everything was going to the dogs. or should i say death eaters. You-know-who had appointed snape head master, as well as the carrows. a brother and sister as the deputy head mistress and dark arts teacher. we weren't taught defense against the dark arts anymore. Just the dark arts. 

It was quite warm for october as i sat with draco and the rest of the slytherins in the dark arts class. The gryffindors sat to the other side of the room.most of them looking worse for wear.

Ginny was shooting me a glare as the professor walked in. followed by a small trail of teriffied first years

"Last lesson we talked about the cruciateus curse. This lesson. we will be practicing it. On these first years. Miss lestrange. Would you care to start" Amycus asks

"No" i say quickly. Amycus' gives me a curious look. i cursed myself. I had screwed up. and badly. i had to cover.

"I only mean. who's to say these kids wouldn't one day join the death eaters. Iif we torture them now, surely it will just make them more likely to try start a rebllion, Surely there are people who are more.....deserving, of this. If you find someone that is more deserving of it i will happily go first" I say cooly. 

Heads had turned towards me. Incredulous looks on there faces. 

Amycus considers this a moment befor egesturing for the first years to leave. 

"Greengrass. Go get longbottom" he orders. daphne gets to her feet quickly racing towards neville's class, She returns with him moments later. "You have a detention after this lesson. am i correct?" 

"yes" neville replies. he knew where this was going. we all did. 

"You can serve it here. miss lestrange." he turns towards me. i couldnt do it. not to him. 

"Is something wrong?" he asks 

i bow my head, i knew it was over. The last few years of pretending had come down to this. i shake my head staring at the desk. 

"No?" he asks anger growing. "Maybe a turn on the recieving end will convince you. Crucio"

The pain was excrutiating. I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe. it took everything in me not to scream or curl into a ball. As it was the tears threatened to spill. 

The curse drops and i take a couple of deep breaths. 

"Has that changed your mind?" He asks. or more growls. 

i continue to stare at the desk before i look up at him. A rare determination on my face. 

"No" i confirm. The shock is evident on every face in the room. Neville looks confused. 

"Detention. with me. end of the day" He growls 

i nod and return to staring blanky at everyone. 

As soon as the class ended i got to my feet quickly leaving the room. 

"What the hell was that about" neville yelled after me. 

Ignoring him i continue walking at a fast pace. 

"I'm talking to you lestrange" He yells again this time running after me and grabbing my arm. 

"For gods sake longbottom. It was one simple thing. It doesn't change anything" i snap before turning round and storming off towards transfiguration.

Aria LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now