Chapter 1: Waking Nightmare

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A faint voice sliced through webs of cold and blackness.

"Wake up! Are you even alive? We have to move!"

Something was pushing... No, dragging me. Maybe someone. My hearing was cotton and my mind was mud, but I still could make out loud sounds that sounded like gunshots.. Groaning, my eyes opened to a blur of red, brown, and orange streaks. As my vision cleared and the webs of sleep and exhaustion fell away I heard more. And more. Things I did not wish to hear. The cries of what all sounded human to me, some gunshots silencing screams, others causing more. My eyes cleared to see destroyed houses and... bodies. Some human, slashed or burned, but most were Poke-kind. Indiscriminant of species, all with horrible bullet wounds and long gashes across their entire body.

In a rush, my senses sharpened. Whatever was dragging me wasn't human, everything seemed bigger than me by leaps and bounds. My entire body felt wrong, or rather, fluffier.
"What's happening? Why is all this? Who are you? What am I?"
I cried out in a jumble of words and managed to have the creature let go for me to stand upright, or at least try to. I fell back down, and finally got a glimpse of who or what was with me.

"Don't tell me you've slept through all this." The voice replied, whipping around in an orange-yellow flash. The face of a fox - like Pokémon, wearing something red around their neck, greeted me as I struggled to my feet.
"Whatever the case, you're coming with me." Whether it was a he or she, I wasn't sure, nonetheless I was incredibly confused, but she continued.
"Unless you want to sleep here, in this hell, along with the other poor souls."
"I-I'll come with you." I stuttered out, just before they grabbed the back of my neck and bolted forwards at an intense speed. The buildings and the fire blurred together, gunshots seeming less frequent as each second passed. We (or rather the Pokémon holding me) ran out of the cityscape and into a thick field of tall grasses, hidden from view. After a few moments more of running, the gunshots inaudible now, we stopped, and I was dropped onto my back.

"W-where..." I started to ask while maneuvering to my feet, my question being cut short by a quick shush by the Pokémon. Everything was quiet, save for the swishing of grass in the wind. What felt like several minutes passed before the Pokémon relaxed and sat on a tuft of grass and turned to me. "Okay, now you can ask four questions, then we walk. The night only lasts so long."

Sitting down, I sighed, considering where to start. "For starters, who are you?"
"My name is Inara." She replied curtly and quickly. "And yours is?"
I hesitated before answering, something stopping me. Again, I couldn't quite remember. "Erm... I think my name is Sarin." The name didn't feel wrong, it felt fairly close to correct.
Inara's eyes narrowed a bit before relaxing, almost as though reasoning through something. "I see, Sarin... Next?"
"What was going on back there?" I asked her after a small consideration. She hesitated for a moment, seeming confused and perhaps a little suspicious.
"That's an odd question, but I suppose I didn't say what kind of questions." She shifted a little, almost expecting a response. "You really don't know, do you?"

She continued after a moment of thought:
"It started seven years ago when the humans discovered stones that drastically increased a Pokémon's power. They called them Mega-stones. The drawback to them, unfortunately, was it only lasted a brief period. Naturally, the greedy of humanity pushed them to try to create a permanent change." She paused for a moment, listening for something. Hearing nothing unusual, she continued.
"I'm not sure what happened afterwards. No one alive is sure. Whatever they made in there caused everything to fall into chaos. Cities burned, humans were scared, and Pokémon fled in droves from their trainers, save for the most devoted. The final straw was the first and only death of humankind to Poke-kind since the last great war. The rest is recent history, like back there."
She finished with a deep sigh, pointing back towards the way we came. "I won't ask how you don't know that story for now."

I sat quiet for a moment, taking it in. I didn't really remember much before I woke up, but I knew I shouldn't be whatever I was. Expecting another odd look, I asked the last two questions on my mind. "So, erm... What exactly are you? And what am I? I really don't remember much."
A flicker of amusement and confusion danced across Inara's face for just a moment, just before realizing the question was serious, and promptly burst into laughter.
The sound was so clear are relaxed compared to her previous composure I jumped a little at the reaction. After a few minutes to calm down, she answered while stifling small giggles. "Whatever knocked you so hard to forget who and what you are should definitely  have killed you."
After settling down she put on a serious expression. "I am a Braixen, and you are quite an unusual Eevee. This is the Pokémon world. Regardless of what you are, we've spent far too long here." She spoke while standing back up and looking around. "Whether or not you're especially unusual will be decided by the Council."

With that, we set off in silence through the grass, the night's end drawing near.

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