A Fool's Game

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A Fool’s Game


            Richard Davenport sat off to the side of The Beaumont’s rooftop restaurant and silently waited. The day was beautiful to him; it was a perfect day to make a huge deal with the one and only Micheal Beaumont. One that could better him and his chain of hotels in so many ways. His eyes glanced down to the Rolex that ticked away from his wrist and wondered where his twit of a son actually was. He’s thirty minutes late! Sawyer was obviously still the good for nothing son he’s always been. He was stupid to think that he could actually count on him in an important time like this. Hell, he was stupid to believe he couldn’t count on him at all.

            What could he say though? Sawyer had always been a little twit, ever since that slut of mother and wife left us for the pool boy. He didn’t have a care in the world. Well, hopefully over the seven years he’s been gone, that had changed. As of right now, Richard thought, Sawyer was his only hope in bringing The Alluvian back to its normal rank. As much as it pained him to say or think, Sawyer would sooner or later take over the hotels. If it weren’t for his favorite son and supposed heir to the hotel, Parker, wanting to marry someone under his status, he wouldn’t be in his rut. At least he could say that Sawyer was a lot like him in many different ways. He was harsh and cruel. He most definitely took what he wanted, when he wanted it with no questions asked; and that was more than he could ever say for Parker.

            Every time Richard thought of Parker’s name he cringed over with resentment and disgust. He had blown everything wanting to marry that girl! What in the hell had he been thinking? Parker always knew how his father felt about poor people and now he is running off and to be married to one? He had completely thrown everything away even his title of heir to the hotels and that only meant that Richard would have to pass it down to his youngest son that made him cringe with even more disgust.

            Where had he gone wrong? The only son that he loved more than anything in the world was letting him down in so many ways and he wasn’t getting any younger. Sooner or later, he would have to publicly announce that Sawyer would be the one to take over his precious company when he retired. Richard figured he would wait as long as he could because that would take his hotels even farther down the ranking because everyone knew how Sawyer was-irresponsible.

            Sweat beads began forming on his forehead and the anxious feeling that had been stirring in the pit of his stomach for the past week began rolling again. Richard never liked making deals, especially ones that could possibly fall through but right now he had no choice but to make a deal with Micheal Beaumont. It was crucial for his great, great grandfather’s masterpiece-The Alluvian Hotels. 

            He had always been told that failure was unacceptable in every way and that meant losing The Alluvian was not going to happen anytime soon-no matter what the cost. Richard would simply do anything-he’d even kill- to keep The Alluvian in the top three best hotels in the country because it was the only thing his father asked of him on his death bed. He refused to turn out like his sons even if his father wasn’t there watching.

            He had to admit, his plans weren’t completely planned out yet but he figured he would go with the flow. His first and most important step was to get Sawyer into the Beaumont family permanently. Then he would take it from there, maybe even strike a deal with Micheal about colliding the hotels into one huge one. That plan right there would bring in the big bucks and Richard knew it because as of right now, The Beaumont is the number one chain of hotels in the country. In the end, he knew that he could find some way to get Micheal Beaumont out of the picture and get Sawyer in there. And as much as it pained Richard to admit, Sawyer would be a force to be reckoned with if he stepped up and took over.

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