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"yeah, so i'm sitting there drunk as shit and i'm like this isn't a chef salad it's a macaroni salad so i was like 'hey guys ima shove it up my ass' so that's why i'm never chugging vodka and henny in the same night.' luke shrugged, i curled over in laughter trying to not make luke feel bad for his drunken mishaps, i felt bad. i really did feel bad but it was kinda on him for drinking and he's alive and well now so am i really a bad person?

we both sat on this love seat that managed to be dragged out on the back porch. the party started to die down a bit, but calum has yet to be found with the midst of the sea of people. with the partying slowing down it gave luke and i the chance to truly talk more and know each other well.

i noticed small things about him, his eyes twinkle when we bring up certain topics (he really likes discussing music, especially guitar riffs and other music nerd trash). he enjoys the color blue but, not the same shade as his eyes. the shade of blue that was like the ocean or the sky after sunset but before midnight when it was pitch black.

he told me about his love for his dog, we spent ten minutes looking at photos of her. she was beautiful, and big, unlike the dog i grew up with, who was a very small and fragile little thing. we exchanged plenty of pet photos, i learned he's scared of smaller dogs than bigger and gives them way too many treats.

"what did you do with the macaroni salad?" i asked curiously, i sit up carefully and look over at luke but trying to hide the fact i'm admiring him. but this man was so beautiful, i couldn't help myself. it was something about him that will pull me into his gaze, he wouldn't look away either. it's like he knew i was checking him out and he winked, fucking. winked. in that moment i could feel my heart burst, like fireworks-but in a good way.

"i don't remember much about my drinking stories." i chuckled awkwardly, my face turned a couple shades of red when i think about the times i was drunk. i was such a lightweight it was pretty tragic. i wouldn't wanna embarrass myself with claiming i was a lightweight and would get wasted over a few shots and all that.

"do you not drink much?" he asked, i shook my head. i couldn't lie about that since he noticed i drank alcohol with a wrinkled nose, especially with the beer he gave to me earlier.

luke laughed softly, "i noticed." i shouldn't have blushed but i didn't realize it was so obvious that i was such a lightweight. i always blamed my genetics for that, no matter how many parties i've been to i've always been a lightweight. i shook the thoughts away from my mind as i turn over to luke, he's currently looking at all the people here. the party is still dying out but definitely is still a party-but that varies person to person- but luke didn't seem to be so excited that the party was dying down, even though i was.

so are you like a heavy drinker or something?" i said to him, but as soon as the words left my mouth i realize how harsh it sounded. i instantly starting fumbling with my words, "oh my god i'm so sorry that sounded so rude. i didn't mean for it to turnout that way and wow i did NOT realize how much that could've hurt you i'm sorry luke. i am so deeply sorry." i kept rambling to luke with a million apologies at once but he just shook his head and grabbed my hands. he grabbed my fuCKING hands.

i never understood fangirling-or fanboying in my case-until this moment. i instantly felt like my heart was going to melt, that feeling at the concert when you get really close to the artist or just the joy in general of being at the concert. its a weird analogy but it's how i can describe it since luke has the beauty of a model. his looks remind me of some shit in a art galla. my thoughts were cut off quickly by luke vigorously shaking my hands.

"you're perfectly fine. i promise." he said, he had a slight chuckle in his voice. i knew he was trying to make me feel better but if anything, i felt worse. i was so embarrassed that i freaked out so much at this. "promise?" i asked, not looking up at him. i kept my eyes glued on our hands clasped together. it felt so right but maybe i'm dreaming, or overreacting. something of the like really.

"michael?" luke mumbled quietly, he seemed a little nervous about the question, like as if he was gonna marry me or something. "this might be something a little too quick, but wanna mcdonalds? i want a mcgriddle right now." lukes eyes lit up the second i let a giggle out. why would he be so worked up about fucking mcdonalds?

"of course. i'd love to go."

a/n: hello it's ur author here uwu
i hope you enjoyed it, i don't write much anymore but i'm gonna try to write something once a week. idk what else to put, stay hydrated???

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