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i made my way through the crowd after binge drinking in the bathroom and a pep talk that also required me quoting some iconic juicy vines. i reached a guy who was alone and i realized i can shoot my shot here, even if they don't like the same sex i can at least make a friend. i walk up to him, "road work ahead?" i yelled into someone's ear, my brain is somewhere and my body is here, quoting fucking vines to some stranger.

i knew i definitely was fucked up beyond repair but i was having a good time and calum was probably having a good time wherever he is. i laugh softly as a curly headed boy turned around with a big smile on his face "uhh, yeah i sure hope it does?!" he laughed, the look on his face was like he was born to quote this vine. we could perfectly hear and understand the reference. we both let out some laughter before quoting one other vine. this boy was so cute, his hair was curly and messy, so beautiful along with the length of it. god boys with long hair can fuck me up any day they're so beautiful. but there's something else, that just made me feel different about him.

something in me made my heart burst just- something about it is so beautiful and god. i had a wave of soberness hit me like an tsunami,but i didn't feel worse i felt better. like something in my chest started to grow i know it sounds painful but i feel so happy and whole. i laughed along as the boy turned around to face me, his eyes instantly met mine. his eyes were blue, like a piercing blue but kinda like an ocean because i'm totally lost in them right now and i can't swim.

"o-oh..." i let out as he stumbled a little to close to me, i smiled awkwardly as he also did the same. i realized we were shoved from being in such a small crowded space. i knew he was drunk and i know i'm still buzzed too, kinda sober but still fucked up enough where i couldn't control what i was doing. me being in this situation my heart jumped out of my chest and my skin grew red. i pray that he doesn't notice it. "i'm luke" he grins, holding out his hand, i laugh a little as i shook his hand responding with "i'm michael!" he never let go of my hand instead he started swinging ours softly to the music, i blushed and went along with whatever he was doing, he was hot and funny and i'm lonely. he can literally kill me for all i care.

he smiled at me before starting to sing a Post Malone song that played on the radio, i smiled along with him mouthing the words back as he pulled me into another part of the house, i couldn't tell what part this was since i haven't been to this part of the house, i don't even know who's house i was in.

"let's go take a seat?" he smiled, but i can tell he was asking if it was okay to go sit with him, which i nodded to give consent. he was stumbling his way throughout the room, i'm trying to figure out what kind of room it is, i think it's actually like a theater room? i didn't actually believe they existed but there was a big screen with music videos playing on it.

luke sat down on a semi empty couch, which was the closest we can get to us not basically sitting on each other. but i was still really close with him, his face grew a little pink as i shifted, making me move closer to him. "so should we properly introduce ourselves?"

A/N: wow look at me uPDATING like a good author does. i'm hoping this fic gets better from the last one but uhhhhhhh yea

Q: have you been to a party? like alcohol and all that big boy shit?

A: nope but i'm lame

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