Chapter 4

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Peter pulled out his knife and Jack drew his sword. Suddenly Scar and his army of hyenas jumped out from behind a bush.

The battle was on.

Simba took on Scar as the others took on the hyenas. Melody used her water skills, Elsa used her ice defenses, and Bolt used his powers.

Even though Peter Pan was flying the hyenas jumped up at him. Each of them had no issues battling the enemies. Simba finally defeated Scar, again.

The wounded Scar and the hyenas turned into black dust and the wind carried it over the trees and into the direction they were headed.

"At least we know we're going the right way" Elsa pointed out as Jack and Peter put their weapons away.

"Let's go" Simba suggested starting off again.

"Simba" Elsa exclaimed "your leg." Simba looked down to see his front leg bleeding from a scratch.

"That dirty varmint!" Simba exclaimed.

"Here" Melody pointing to the screen "let me help you wash it." When Melody was done, Jack Sparrow took a piece of rag and wrapped Simba's cut.

"Thank you" Simba said to Melody and Jack.

"Pleased, I'm sure" Jack replied "but we need to start off again."

Peter took to the air while everyone else began to walk. After a while, when they all got hungry Peter noticed something.

"Look alive, me hearties" Peter said pointing ahead "food straight ahead." Sure enough, there was a wild strawberry patch just ahead. "We should stop here for the night" Elsa suggested, taking a strawberry from the patch.

"Good idea" Bolt agreed "it's getting dark." Elsa and Melody again made their beds. Peter found himself a low branch and set himself on it.

When they were all settled in, Bolt spoke. "So what was up with the two of you last night?" he said to Peter and Melody.

"Nothing" Peter immediately interjected "we were just talking."

"About what?" Sparrow asked nosily.

"Why do you want to know?" Peter asked in their defense.

"About how different our lives are" Melody answered as Peter gazed at her "there's no need to get into an argument over it. They're just wondering."

"Didn't your parents tell you not to tell strangers personal information, Peter?" Jack joked. As soon as Jack said parents, Peter got a sad look on his face.

"What happened?" Elsa spoke gently in understanding.

"I don't know" Peter responded "I don't remember them."

"That's sad" Melody said "I can't imagine life without my parents."

"I couldn't either" Elsa responded "till the accident at sea."

"At sea?" Melody asked horrified.

"Oh" Elsa gasped regretting her words "sorry."

"It's okay" Melody responded "Just so know, my family had nothing to do with it."

"I know" Elsa said "what about you, Bolt?"

"I was born in an animal shelter" Bolt responded "I was adopted 3 months later. I haven't seen my mother since."

"What about you, Jack?" Peter asked.

"My dad is still alive" Jack said "my mom went missing when I was 5. Ever since then my dad had trained me to be a pirate. He even gave me, me ship."

"Cool" Melody said "what about you, Simba?" Little did she know, he had the worst story of them all.

"Scar killed my father when I was 5" Simba responded sadly "right in front of me. He convinced me it was my fault Mufasa lay dead."

"How?" Elsa asked on the verge of tears. She and the others couldn't even imagine what it was like.

"I was young and foolish" Simba responded "my dad was trying to save me from a stampede Scar's hyenas created. With me gone, Scar took my father's place as king, until I went back to my home 16 years later and defeated him. We should get some sleep."

Simba moved past all 5 of them and set himself down. He soon fell fast asleep.

"Simba's right" Bolt responded "I'll take first watch."

Everyone else went to sleep. A couple hours later Sparrow woke up and took over as night watch.

Very early the next morning, the gang woke up to Jack screaming "We're under attack!!"

Out from the trees came the former Prince Hans, Calico, and their combined army of henchman and loyal soldiers.

Naturally Bolt took on Calico who was overly armed. Elsa was immediately swarmed with soldiers, so Jack Sparrow took on Hans. Meanwhile Peter, Melody, and Simba took on the henchman and left over soldiers.

Elsa was so swarmed with soldiers that she could barely keep up, and Peter saw this. The first chance he got, he swiftly flew to Elsa's aid and began warding some off from the air.

As soon as Calico saw this, he turned his high tech gun toward Peter.

"Whoa" cried Peter dodging the few bullets and even tricking him into hitting one of his own henchmen. Bolt quickly tackled him.

When the enemies were defeated, they all turned to black dust, just like Scar, and drifted off.

"Why don't they just die?" Melody asked watching the dust drift over the trees and into the direction they were heading.

"Because" Jack answered "villains don't die, heroes do. They can only be defeated, and when they come back they're that much smarter."

"Wait" Peter gasped in realization "What if this is 'training' for a much larger battle?" "That could be it" Bolt said "Jack, do you still have Lewis' button mechanism thing?"

"Aye" Jack answered revealing the panel from his inside pocket.

"Good" Bolt responded "now let's keep moving. I smell the human world close by."

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