Chapter 3

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The 6 tributes continued to run even when they got deep into the woods. When the majority of them found it hard to breathe they stopped.

"I vote" Melody claimed out-of-breath "we walk for a while." Peter, Elsa, Simba, and Jack nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Bolt asked fired up "we just started."

"Bolt" Elsa exclaimed trying to regain some of her queen composure, "you were born to run. We weren't."

"Oh" Bolt apologized "sorry."

"You're fine, bud" Peter Pan added as his feet left the ground "you're right though, we need to keep moving". They all nodded and began to walk further into the woods.

They soon began to see the wood animals returning home from the meeting. When they saw the tributes, they waved and cheered. They would bow or do something to acknowledge them, but they never stopped.

Soon they came across a river with some berry bushes along it.

"Who's hungry?" Simba asked "besides me."

All of them raised their hands, and then burst into laughter. They began to feast on the berries. After a while, Melody glanced at the water in the stream.

"Mr. Sparrow..."

"Please lass, call me Jack" Sparrow replied.

"Jack" Melody corrected herself "do you have a canteen with you?"

"Of course missy," Jack Sparrow said pulling out a weathered canteen from his inside pocket and opening it.

He began to walk over to Melody when she magically made the water float from the stream, through the air, and into the canteen in his hand. He stopped as the canteen began to fill with water. They all stared at Melody, wide-eyed as she stood up.

"What?" Melody asked nervously when she noticed them.

"Nothing" Simba responded.

"We just didn't know you could do that" Bolt finished.

"How did you think I got chosen to go on this quest?" Melody asked walking toward them "should we get moving." They all agreed and set off. They all continued to walk until the sun began to set.

They dragged themselves to a small clearing that gazed up at the stars "The sky looks clear tonight" Jack said looking up into the night sky "we best sleep under them stars."

Jack began to build a fire while Simba and Bolt gathered firewood. When it was finished, Elsa made a point to stay a little ways away from the flame.

"Why are you so far away?" Peter Pan asked.

"I don't like heat" Elsa responded "it feels weird."

They feasted on the little berries they had saved and prepared for bed.

"Lewis mentioned some villains would be lurking about" Bolt mentioned. "Maybe we should take turns staying up and keeping watch."

"Sure, I'll go first" Peter volunteered flying himself over to underneath a tree. Elsa produced herself a snow bed with a small cloud raining snow above it. When she climbed into it, she smiled with satisfaction. Melody gathered herself some brush and made a small nest. Bolt, Simba, and Jack were so tired that they just slept on the bare ground.

Only Bolt had trouble sleeping, being used to sleeping with Penny's arm around him but soon he too fell fast asleep.

Melody woke up several hours later finding herself thirsty. She walked over to Jack's canteen lying next to him and took a few small sips. When she was finished, Melody noticed Peter dosing off underneath his tree.

She picked up the canteen and walked over to him.

"Peter?" Melody said softly "Peter?"

"Huh" Pan responded sleepily.

"I thought you might be thirsty" Melody said magically pulling out some water and placing it into Peter's cupped hands.

"Thank you" Peter Pan said drinking the water "how did you learn to do that?"

"My grandfather taught me" Melody responded.

"You think you could teach me?" Peter asked.

"If you can teach me to fly" Melody added.


Melody noticed Peter struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Maybe I should take over for a while and let you sleep" Melody offered.

"No, I'm fine" Peter said yawning.

"Ok?!" Melody responded heading back to bed.

"But that doesn't mean you have to leave."

Melody turned around to find Peter grinning from ear to ear. Blushing, she walked back over to him and set herself next to him. All night long they discussed the two different lives they led till they both fell asleep.

Bolt, Jack, Simba, and Elsa woke up to the bright morning sun beating down on them. They soon noticed Peter and Melody under the tree, fast asleep side by side with their heads on each other's shoulders.

"Isn't that called 'young love'?" Elsa asked glaring at the 2 of them as they woke up. When they saw each other, they stood up and looked in different directions awkwardly.

"You forgot to wake someone up to relieve you last night" Simba said.

"I think he did, mate" Jack added acknowledging toward Melody "and he slept with 'er." Before Peter could speak in their defense, Bolt barked getting their attention.

"We don't have time for this" Bolt said coming between them, "we need to keep moving." Elsa made the cloud above her bed disappear, and her bed quickly melted.

Elsa, Simba, Bolt, Melody, Jack, and Peter set off. They walked for a long time until they got to a stream and rested.

Suddenly a twig snapped nearby.

Bolt sniffed the air "We got trouble."

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