Yesterday- Ch 2.

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It was just five minutes until the funeral began and people were still coming in and greeting me and offering me their condolences for the loss. How I hate that word. I knew Harry wouldng want to see me cry. I was trying the best of my ability to hold it in, but I knew any moment I would snap.

As people sat down I look above to the slideshow that was playing with pictures of Harry with family, friends, the boys, and Mason and I. I felt my eyes burn. I faced it. I needed to cry. I'm shocked I even had tears left. I knew that today would be the last time I would see Harry. Even though I still remember the day we first met like if it was yesterday.

I finally got a job that pays pretty well! It's just at a theater/auditorium thing where people perform, and I have to clean it. It shouldn't be too bad. They don't serve food or drinks so that means no trash. But it is winter so there will be a lot of water and mud on the floors. It's my first day today and I have to be there early to clean up before the group gets there. I quickly throw on skinny jeans, converse, my red One Direction bracelet, and a blue GAP hoodie. I grab my car keys and phone and head out the door.






"Since you have to stay here to clean up after, you can stay to watch the performance." My boss Dave tells me when I ask what I was to do.

"Thank you. Where shall I sit?" I look down at my phone and realized I need to redownload Twitter and Instagram, because I got a new phone. I feel so disconnected from the world.

"You can sit in the side wings. So that way no seating gets taken up. The band isn't too popular but because one of them is from here, and the theatre is small, the place is all booked. Not a single ticket left." Dave says with a huge smile.

"That's great! What band is it?"

"One Direction, I believe their name is."

Woah. This can not, be happening.







I take a seat in a chair in the side wings and pull out my phone. I go on the App Store and find the Twitter and Instagram icons and click download. My thumbs type in the usernames and passwords. I read over the recent tweets and the boys are playing tonight. In this auditorium. Where I am sitting. Somebody pinch me is this a dream?

"Have you seen any water bottles? There are none in my dressing room." A male voice from behind me says.

"There should be some in the storage room if yo-" I turn around see Harry. Harry Styles. Oh my god.

"If I what?"

"If you follow me I can get you some."


He silently follows me to the storage room to get the water bottles. I hand him 5 of them, one for each boy. He says thank you and I begin to walk back to my seat. I am trying so hard to contain my excitement.I'm surprised I didn't scream right in his face. I reach my seat and hear footsteps approaching me rapidly and a hand grabbing my wrist lightly to turn me around. It's Harry.

"I never caught your name." He reaches into his pocket for something.

"Melissa. And you are Harry." I smile at him.

"I take it you are a fan." He grins and opens a new contact tab on his phone and hands it to me.

"Y-yes. The best fan ever. Are you sure you want my n-number?" My inner fan girl is coming out. Oh my.

"Of course. That is if it is okay with you."

"Yes. Here." I type in my name and number handing him his phone.

"Your hands are rather shaky." He laughs and I look down at my hands that are a little shaky and are beginning to feel clammy.

"Ye-yeah. It normally happens around hot guys." Crap! Did I seriously just say that out loud?

"See you around." He says while grinning and blushing. I wave and he turns around to the dressing room area. Oh my god. That was Harry Styles.

A.N. oh my gosh. Okay so let me start off by apologizing for not updating in... 4 months! I'm so sorry! I've been writing other books! But I'm trying to get back into the writing mood so hopefully updates will be more frequent (: well me and Brey hope you enjoyed this.

This made me so emotional I'm not going to lie. It reminded me of a funeral I went to for a loved one. So I know writing this book with Brey will bring tears to both our eyes. Right Brey? ;)

Well we love you and that's for the continuous support.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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