Funeral- Ch 1.

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"Mason honey come here." I called from my bedroom.

"Yes mumma?" He walks into my room and sits on the floor.

"Are you ready to get dressed?"


Mason walks over to me and I take off all of his clothing, leaving him in only a diaper.

"Mumma me nakey!" Mason points at his bare chest.

"Yes you are baby. And that's because I need to change your pull-up and get you dressed." I stand up and grab a pair of his underwear. Even though Mason is 3 and potty-trained he still has his accidents at night.

"I'm a big boy." Mason says and lays down on the floor so I am able to change his diaper.

I quickly change Mason and head into my closet where I hung up his tuxedo. I put him into the small black tuxedo and some black dress shoes. He looks so handsome.

"Okay. Now go play while I get ready. I'll make breakfast when I'm all done." I reach into my closet to my find my dress.

"Waffles?" Mason looks up at me and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Yes honey. Go play." I repeat. Finally Mason walks his room and I hear his train set go off.

I quickly shower and shave my legs. I wrap a towel around my body and head to my closet where I slide on my black dress. It is long sleeved and stops an inch or two about my knees. The outside of the sleeves and the top portion of the dress are a sheer black type thing. The rest is a black lace looking floral design. I bought the dress because I liked it. But once I bought it I knew I would never wear it. And now I guess I am. I am wearing to my fiancè's funeral. I sigh and finish the outfit. I put on a pair of plain black heels, black studded earrings, and an emerald bracelet Harry once got me in May for my birthday. On my way to Mason's room to get him for breakfast, I check my left hand. Yes, the ring is still there. I still love the way Harry proposed. He didn't get down on one knee, but instead he... That's another story for another time. I could feel tears brim in my eyes just by thinking about it.

"Choo Choo!" Mason yelled as the trains blew their horns.

"Come on goofy boy. Let's go eat."

"Is daddy going to be home for breakfast?" Mason asks as he hops into my arms. His words hit me like a baseball bat. I've tried explaining it to him. He just doesn't quite understand.

"No baby. He's not." I place Mason the counter and open the left side of the refrigerator which holds the freezer. I grab 4 Eggo Waffles and place them into the toaster on 5. I close the package and place it back in the freezer.

"Milk mummy!" Mason says as I open the fridge door. I nod and head over to the cupboard that holds all of his stuff- spoons, forks, plates, bowls, and cups. I grab a Lightning McQueen sippee cup and fill it with milk. I warn Mason to be careful and hand it to him. He nods, I grab chocolate syrup, orange juice, strawberries, and whipped cream from the fridge and then place it onto the counter. My legs carry me over to the cupboard and I grab the granola, then I head to the other cupboard and grab my self a glass.

Mason screams as the waffles pop up from the toaster, it almost brought a smile to face until I remembered that today is Harry's funeral.

"Calm down little man." I point at Mason and place two waffles on each plate. I rinse the strawberries and place them on the cutting board so I can chop them up. Once I am done with that, I place them onto the waffles. Followed by whip cream, chocolate syrup, and granola (which I only place on mine because it has nuts, which Mason is allergic to). I place a fork on both plates and place them at the table. I don't really need the fork since Mason eats it with his hands, but today I cut it up so he can use his fork to make sure he stays clean. Mason hops down from the counter taking his milk with him and sits on the chair which holds his booster so he can actually be at a correct height to reach the table. I pour my orange juice and quickly putting away the carton, then I scurry over to the table.

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