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It has been awhile since I've set my foot on this lush green grass that surrounded by childhood home. Sweet smell of mom's freshly cooked chicken aroused my nose. I must say, I'm 'Foodsexual', I get aroused by sweet taste and smell of anything that would make me sweat. In other words - I'm a foodaholic, that doesn't gain weight from eating too much. Yes, I'm kissed by the Oh-So-Almighty God to have such trait. Most of my family say that I'm blessed, as my dear sister Lizzy can't stop but feel jealous. Yet, I couldn't help but miss them all, even my dear shut-in brother that ever comes out from his dark, 'Metallica' posters covered walls and ever so neatly clean room everytime I come back home for Holidays. My model agency allows me to ever so often come back home as a treat for great work back in the city.

Who am I? I'm the infamous Laura White, more known as The Goddess of the Universe. I hate that title, honestly. I feel as if I don't deserve it. As a kid that comes from a small town in California I cherish everything I get, and that title is too much for me to handle. But it has been like this for a few years now, and I can't help but feel flestered as soon as I hear someone call me like that. However, I don't exactly believe in myself as much as someone should. All that I do everyday is just stand, stretch my leg in some direction and hope that I won't fall from these 15cm high heels that are slowly ruining my feet. Honestly, my legs haven't hurt like this in ages. It all started when I agreed to pose for one magazine that took my interview. I still remember the chilling smell of mint and flashing white lights in that utterly dark room. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, that's the base area where all models work in, but my usual work places are either beaches or fine living houses. I'm a lingerie and swimsuit model. Guess that kiss from God sure payed off.

But yet here I am, standing at my brown-wood porch with swinging chairs at the very corner of the porch, having blue pillows seated on each with a large flower pot filled with blue hydrangeas that my mother ever so often cuts in a shape that wouldn't ruin the whole plant. My mother had always been a nature lover, a natural botanist that has a large garden in the backyard. As the whole family, we have dedicated one third of out backyard to her flowers and other garden plants that just liven up the whole backyard, and the house overall. I will never forget how she called all three of us to plant some daisies in a most visible corner of her garden, and how we all got our hands and faces dirty but laughed all the way. Those are the memories that keep me sane.

Reaching my hand to knock on the door, I was quickly stopped by the door opening itself and brown haired girl flying into my arms. I couldn't help but smile at how quickly I was noticed outside, maybe I was caught daydreaming about old good days, back to when we all were together and not apart.

"Laura!" Loud voice chirped into my ear and I smiled widely, slowly wrapping my arms around the woman's shoulders as soon as I released the blue bag that I carried in my hand the whole time. It was my sister that greeted me as soon as she saw me outside and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she wouldn't stop to hug me firmly. After all, she was basically tip-toeing in her spot and barely jumping from one leg to another, like a very excited dog.

"Laura, dear." And now, that was my mother that came to greet me aswell. I couldn't help but to smile even wider as soon as I saw her clear, slightly pale face and blue eyes that soon met mine.

"Mom." whispering softly as I pulled away from Liz and moved up onto my mother, I hugged her tightly around her shoulders, nearly the same way I hugged Liz back.

"How was the flight?" She asked quietly, smiling at me as soon as she pulled away only to give me some air. After all, a lot was happening around me and I couldn't help but to lose my breath.

"It was fine, nothing different." I smiled at her only to be met by my brother's dark hair and slightly woren off beanie. "Seems like you still haven't thrown that out." Smirking at the handsome male that Aiden has grown into, I slowly took my bag to walk inside, turning sideways to set it down by the doorway, walking towards the young man before me.

"Please, it's the only beanie that has ever suited me. I'd be crushed if lost it somewhere." He rolled his eyes before softly hugging me as well, feeling his arms press tightly around my waist. Even this shut-in missed me. "Welcome back, Laura."

"Thank you." I couldn't help but smile along the way, softly tightening my arms around him as well before Ipulled away, still having a smirk on my face. "Dyed your hair black, huh? It suits you." I smiled as I softly tugged onto his now black locks, gaining a slight hiss from the young man as his own smirk didn't vanish anywhere. Yet, I didn't receive an answer, as our father walked into the room.

The woren off face that held unreadable expression soon came into my eyes, meeting the man's icy blue eyes. He didn't seem to have changed much, apart from the fact that he looked more exhausted than ever. I walked steadily to the man's larger body before softly wrapping my arms around his body, receiving a tight hug from him with a soft sigh that heaved his chest down, as if he was relieved to see me here, alive.

"Hey, sweetcake." Dad smiled before softly kissing my forehead, making me slowly pull away with a soft smile on my lips.

A silence heaved into the room we were all in, causing us all to feel both awkward and uncomfortable up until Mom declared that we all should go ahead and eat her cookec chicken. She said, that she used some special seasoning for a first try, but unlike most children, we all were calm, if not excited to try her new seasoning on her always lovely chicken. Always brings me back childhood memories.

At first the meal started quietly, up until my mother asked how was work in Hollywood. Thus, we began to talk about my career and what-not, other small topics that didn't affect this story as much, up until my father asked if I had any ties with Elijah Williams.

"Ellie? No. Why?" As much as I was confused, I felt as if he will say something bad. Something, that will affect me in a way that I couldn't have imagined. Upon my question, my mother set her fork and knife down on her plate before she softly tangled her fingers together, setting her arms on a small open area by her plate and in front of herself. "Is there something I don't know about Williams?" I asked again, my eyes darting from my siblings and on my parents in utter confusion and fear.

"Elijah Williams... He's-"

"He's a mafia monster now." Aiden cut my dad off with his own rough, yet gentle voice ringing in the dining room, softly clencing his own fork and knife as soon as he spoke. "Elijah is now more known as the man that fucks everyone around for money." He said with pure anger in his voice, his brows tugging down into a tight frown.

"Aiden!" My mom seemed to be flustered by his language, yet she couldn't blame him for what came next.

"What, mom? Is it now bad to swear when we talk about people that sell other people for money?" Aiden soon called out after mom, catching her shut before he looked back at me. "Elijah sold Poppy Hood."

Ah, yes, Poppy Hood. The town's slut and utter bitch in school. We were classmates and she always picked fights with me, saying that she's prettier than me. I never saw myself as the prettiest girl in school, I never cared if I got called ugly or pretty, but that girl always caused a spark of anger lit inside of me. I always wanted her gone, if not dead, but I never said it out loud. But now, to hear that she's used in slavery, I can't help but pity her. That's what we all do.

"No way Elijah is like that. Back in school we-"

"He's not what he was used to be, Laura." Aiden spoke again, catching his father's darkening stare that shut him up soon after.

"We want you to stay away from that man. Or anyone that has deep connections with him, okay?" Tom, dad, said, catching my eyes slowly drifting away with both confusion and slight pity for Poppy.

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