Chapter Two: Next Step Pt. One

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   Morning approached and the doors of the truck slowly opened. Drake held his shoulder, obviously that's where he bled from, then turned to his wife, “Here's the plan, there are three of those things over there and someone needs to distract them so I can take them out. That's where you come in, understand?” She almost didn't nod at the question but she understood. He turned then stepped out and crouched his way to a car near those things then it was up to Melanie. She moved her arms around in the air, trying to grab the attention of them but those things couldn't see her waving her arms to catch their attention. Drake mouthed to her, “What's going on?” And she shrugged her shoulders, so instead he just took them out single handedly, without any distractions. After, he regrouped with her then they took whatever was needed and hit the road on foot.

   Melanie carried Malik while they looked for…actually that hasn't been discussed. So they wandered scared, alone with nothing but themselves. At every sound, and I do mean every, made her become jumpy but not Drake. He was trained for this type of stuff so he was as focused as an predator hunting for its prey. And she knew this. Soon he held up his right arm signaling to seize and he pointed his gun at a woman in a hood and cape. The woman just stood there standing over a pile of mutilated bodies then she quickly looked over in our direction and flew up into the sky, shooting blue light from her palms. They moved on afterwards.

   What seemed like a military squad came out from a corner of the street pointing they assault rifles and machine guns. “Halt,” one of them yelled, “Do not move or we will fire! Identify yourselves!” they were unbearably demanding so Drake eased his gun onto the ground and put up his hands. He snapped back, “Hold your fire, I use to work in the forces and now I work for NYPD so hold your fire!” he pulled out his badge. A man parted from the group of men, this one especially stood out from the rest. He wore an eye patch over his left every covering a giant scar, his clothes were more armored than the others and a cigar that wasn't lit in his mouth. Then he lit and asked, “What're people like you doing here? Shouldn't you have evacuated?” “Change in plans, sir. Evacuating will have to wait." said Drake. The man took out his cigar and blew then put it back in, “What could be more important than get the hell out of here? Excuse me where are my manners? I'm Reed Fischer, Captain Reed Fischer." He said then shook Drake’s hand and exchanged names.

   Fischer asked about their boy, who was still sleeping over Melanie's shoulder, but Drake nor Melanie answered him. He asked again but this time he raised his voice and his squad aimed their guns. Melanie jumped and shook nervously then Drake stood in front of her and Malik. “Why is his name so important to you? What do you want with my son?” Melanie fired back at him. Fischer chuckled then whistled, about four men walked towards them and successfully attempted to abduct Malik. Drake swung on one of the men and missed, he was beaten badly. “Stop hurting my husband please. Just give us back our son!” screamed Melanie. Soon they did stop and took off, along with their son.

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