There's Got To Be Rules

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Night time was awkward. 

Sam, who had been living in the fort for two, almost three, weeks already seemed pretty comfortable. Lori, on the other had, always had a hard time sleeping in different places. She could remember the sleep overs that she and Sam used to have. Lori didn't know what happened to make her like that, but when it came down to laying down and sleeping, her stomach would act up and she would get a case of homesickness. 


"I know the bed is small." Sam said, gesturing towards the bed in the dark side of the room. It didn't look very inviting, the bed low to the ground and looked like it was big enough to hold Sam, but two people? Not so much. Not the mention the fur the was used for the blanket. Lori just kept thinking that the fur used to belong to a innocent bison that was probably hunted down, skinned, and ended up on Sam's bed. 

"Will it hold us?" Lori asked after studying the bed for a few moments longer. Sam just shook her head, pulling back the fur blanket and pointed to the other side of the bed. 

"Well, if we press together and sleep back to back, you should fit just fine." she explained, looking a little tired herself. Lori sighed, walking over to the side of the bed and sat down on the end, removing her shoes. 

"I don't think this will be too bad," Sam said, always the optimist, "I mean, once we get the watch working again, we'll be on our way back to our time." 

Lori laid down on the bed, Sam's back pressing against her own as she pulled the blanket up over them. 

"Yeah, and if we go back even farther in time?" Lori asked, curling her arm under her head. 

"I don't know," Sam said, then she let out a little excited gasp, "but, if we do, you know what that means?"



Lori shook her head, a smile gracing her features, despite how hard she tried to fight it. "You are something else." Lori muttered, closing her eyes and tried to imagine herself back home, in her bed, in her room. It was comforting to feel Sam move against her back softly as she inhaled and exhaled. 

Lori sighed, sitting up in her bed as she pulled the covers off herself. She glanced at the alarm clock beside her bed. It was a few minutes past midnight and someone had just entered the house. Then, her mother started the argument that came about every time her father walked in the door. 

Her bedroom door was opened slowly, a five year old girl sticking her head in as Lori glanced over at the open door. "Lorelei?" came a small voice from the child, her brown hair, much like Lori's, was messed. 

"Yes, Emma?" Lori asked, turning so her feet were dangling off her bed as her little sister came into the room. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around Lori, the younger sibling sniffling slightly. 

"Why do they fight so much?" Emma asked, Lori patting her head lightly as the little girl clung to her like she had all the answers. In reality, Lori had no clue what to tell her sister. That Mommy and Daddy were alright? That it was normal for parents to fight like they do?

"I don't know, sweet pea." Lori said with a sigh, trying not to listen to her mother's volume in her voice rise. She imagined her father talking in a calm and reassuring voice, but he did have a lot of rage hidden down under. He would never lash out at Lori and her sister, as he's told them, but he seems perfectly fine taking it out on her mother. 

"Can I sleep in here?" Emma asked, Lori glancing down at the little girl in her arms. She nodded her head, leaning back and pulled back the covers, letting her sister climb in. 

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