Chapter 1 -Fire

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Hope you guys enjoy this its my first story so please comment and tell me what you think.

Chapter 1

As soon as the bell rand I practically ran out of the school building and to my car. It was Friday and after I dropped the kids off at home I was going to Megan's house. Megan and I had been friends since kindergarten so I was looking forward to spending the night with her and some other friends. I was ready for a night of fun to kick off fall break. so as fast as the speed limit would allow I sped towards Willow Elementary School.

"Martha, Martha". I heard Lily squeal as I pulled up to the pavilion the kids were under. I laughed to myself as i saw her bouncing up and down as she and James ran up to the car. They jumped into the car and closed the door.

"Look Martha I painted you a picture in Art today." She exclaimed obviously proud of the flower that was on the paper. It was a pink daisy with a green leaf and a yellow center that had run into the pink making a strange orange like color.

"Wow it looks great Lily." I praised her wanting her to know I liked it. She looked up smiling showing her adorable dimples while her blue eyes shinned under her golden blond hair.

"So James how was your day today." I asked not wanting him to feel left out as I noticed him sitting quietly looking out the window.

"Good." He replied quickly not saying anything else. I sighed to my self I wish I could get him to talk. He was a brilliant little boy but he was shy and didn't like to volunteer information so I could never tell what he was thinking. I studied him for a minuet and realized he needed a haircut I would have to take him tomorrow. I couldn't see his muddy colored eyes anymore because they were hidden under his brown hair. Once agin it hit me how much he looked like our mom. Lily might look a little like our dad but nothing like he did. I knew I didnt look anything like either of them some people even teased me about it

When they had both gotten into their seats and buckled up I started driving. For a few minuets it was quiet until Lily then launched into a detailed description of everything that had happened in her kindergarten class to fill the silence. I watched her for a while I knew with her doing this I wouldn't have to pay attention to what she was saying so I zoned out and let my thoughts wander.

I thought about the stressful day I'd had. I'd had all the exams I'd been worried about : math, history, and CAD(even though it was easy I have to sit buy Evan). So he had bugged me all day teasing me over anything and everything he could. He felt that putting others down and making their flaws known he was cool.I hate people like that they think their better than everybody else but their just jerks. Luckily we were a quarter way through the year and it was fall break so I wouldn't have to go back to school for a week.

I was so distracted i didn't notice the firetruck that zoomed past me. I didn't think about the shouting of people or the squealing of the sierens. So distracted that I didn't hear James gasp or notice that Lily had stopped talking. I didn't notice what was happening until I pulled into our driveway looked up to see something that paralyzed me. I sat sick with fear as I watched our house crash down to the ground in flames and realize that my parents were inside.

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