Chapter 4 : Two is better than one

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     She was awaken by the emptiness beside her. In normal situations, Gary will definitely be lying beside her but she only felt empty spaces as she touches her left side with her hand. Ji Hyo slowly open her eyes and sense that something is not right. She glance down to check her tummy covered with blanket. "Omo. What is this?! It was not even a little bit bump last night..." she got shock, almost to death when she saw her stomach big and round as if she is in the eigth month of her pregnancy. She remembered it clearly how flat it was yesterday night. "Sul-ma(No way).." still in shock, she pulled open her blanket to check again. 

     "Pabo! Kang Gary!" she almost got choked from her own saliva when she realised the big round 'stomach' earlier was actually her husband's head. He must have fell asleep while listening to his baby's heartbeat last night. She began laughing loudly after thinking back how foolish she was earlier. "Oh wae?" Gary shivered as he felt the cold wind after the blanket was pulled away. "Big baby, are you awake?" she teased him and laughed again. She couldn't hold her laughter in this funny situation while Gary stared at her, confused.

       As promised, Gary made a homemade breakfast for Ji Hyo and she explained it thoroughly what just happened to him. "Hahaha! Ut-kkyeo(funny)!" Gary laughed hardly too after hearing it. "This is your tummy?" he pointed at his head and continue laughing. They had a few good minutes of laughter and stopped when the door bell suddenly rang.

     "Omo Ji Hyo yahh.." Ji Hyo's manager unnie ran towards her as soon as Gary opens the door without greeting him. "Chuka-hae! My girl is finally becoming a mommy!" she hug her tightly. "Gumawo Unnie.." she thanked her sincerely. "So..." she immediately opened her bag and took our a few papers. "your schedules...You just have to advertise a few products and then i'll cancel all your schedules. You must rest well!" she continued by showing her the tables of schedule while Gary drag a chair over for her to sit. "Thank you unnie!" she thanked her again. "But for Running you wish to continue?" she asked in worrisome. Ji Hyo look at Gary before she answers. "I will continue filming as usual. Running Man is already like a part of my life. I will totally feel so bored if I don't do anything at home. Jo PD also said that they will give me lighter job right?" she smiled and look at Gary, asking him for approval with her puppy eyes. "You sure you wish to continue?" he asked, a little disappointed to hear her reply. "You guys should discuss about it and let me know. Take care Ji Hyo." manager unnie quickly stood up and prepare to leave, afraid that she will disturb them.

    "Ji Hyo yah, I think you should not..." Gary said after their guest leaves. " should know how much joy I get every time during the Running Man filming." she said trying to get his approval still. "But you're pregnant...what if-" Gary swallow his word back when Ji Hyo placed her finger on his lips, signaling him to calm down. "I wouldn't feel better if I just sit home and wait right? Oppa...please?" she begged again. "Alright, but promise me you'll stop whenever your condition doesn't allows." he sighed and goes with her headstrong wife.


      "Welcome back Mr and Mrs Kang." the doctor greeted them again when they returned after three weeks. "I have a good news for both of you. Ji Hyo-ssi, from the report, it it clearly shown that you have a pair of twins!" she announced it happily. "Tw...i..n.s?" she stutters when she speaks, unsure if she should be happy about it. Meanwhile, Gary was over the moon about the news. "Twins! Thank you, Ui-sah(doctor)-nim!" he thanked her happily.

     "But...I heard that it is risky and harder to handle.." Ji Hyo speaks her thought while Gary's smile slowly fade away, starting to worry of her. "It is true that some complications are slightly more common in twin pregnancies. Your risk of having a miscarriage is higher than with a single pregnancy. Most miscarriages, for single and multiple pregnancies, happen in the first 12 weeks. Therefore, we will examine you from time to ensure that you are healthy for this. Stick to a healthy diet, and try stay hydrated. Attend all your antenatal appointments and try to take some gentle exercises during your pregnancy. " the doctor strongly encourages them. "It shouldn't be a problem if you have a healthy behaviour or lifestyle. Having twins it a dream of most parents!" she comfort them and congratulate them again.

     They walked out of the medical room hand-in-hand and Gary could sense that Ji Hyo wasn't being herself since the doctor told them that they're having a pair of twins. She was holding his hands so tightly and he could feel cold sweat forming on her hand. "Don't worry.." he turned to her and gave her a smile, trying to distract her from thinking. 


    "Oppa...I'm so afraid.." she opened up while lying on Gary's lap on the couch. "I know you are. Don't worry Ji Hyo, whatever may happen but I believe my wife and my two babies are strong enough to go through it. We will face it together and I will do whatever I can to keep you healthy and strong for this. My wife is the strong ace ain't she?" he comfort her in his way and started playing with her hair, curling it with his fingers. "Little good to your mummy alright? Daddy loves her so much, I don't want her to suffer even a tiny bit." he gently move his face close to her tummy and speaks to his two little babies. 

    "I'm sorry to make you go through this..." he soften his voice and apologize. "No, I will do it. For you, for us." she said in courageous and held his hands. "as long as you are here..." she smiled and still feel grateful that Gary is with her always. 

    "I am even more grateful to have you here." he said cheekily again. "Just sleep and dream on your cute little babies." he smiled and gave her a warm goodnight kiss, not asking her to wake up from his lap. This man is willing to do anything just to make her feel better.

    For weeks, they took care of everything carefully. They eat as healthy as possible and lived a healthy lifestyle. It wasn't a big problem for them as they enjoy doing it, knowing that it is worth it in the end. Gary especially, wakes up excitedly every morning and check on Ji Hyo's tummy to see if his babies are growing. While her belly gradually grows bigger each week. 


     "Gary-ssi, you're here too." the director greeted him is joy. Ji Hyo was suppose to shoot a healthy green tea advertisement and Gary was anxious about her so he followed her there. "Director-nim, please make it easier for my wife." he embarrassingly requested the director. "Ah yee..worrisome new daddy huh?" the easy-going director laughed. 

      The filming was an easy task. Ji Hyo professionally perform what she should do and say. It ended after a few shots. "Ji Hyo-ssi, as expected. Finding you isn't a wrong choice at all." the director rave about her good work after the shooting. "Ah, I'm always serious in my work.." she shyly accepted his praise and bow to him in respect. 

     "You did really good today. My wife totally looks like me.." he express admiration on her and jokingly praises himself too while they're driving home. While Ji Hyo, who is used to his thick-skinned husband just laughed at him. " Yes yes..You're always the best." she added on and laugh aloud. She felt a sudden pain in her stomach when she was laughing way too hard. " stomach hurts." she stopped and press on her belly. "Wae?" he immediately parked the car aside and got extremely worried. "It hurts..." she shuts her eyes and her face shows that it really does hurt.

    "Hold on, I'll call the doctor..." he took out his phone from his pocket while his hand was slightly trembling causing him to drop his phone. He was panic, looking at how she suffer.


Author's Note : Hahaha. YAYY again. So this chapter was a little hard for me to write. I was wasting quite some time thinking how to continue it but anyway, I did it. Just wanted to thank all my readers AGAIN for reading this. And also, specially wanted to thank my special 'fan club'(you know who you are.HAHAH!). They've  been supporting me mentally and making me blush from their comments. :P Hopefully this chapter is up to your standard! 

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