Chapter 2 : Procedure

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   "Kang Gary..Na mi-chi-gett-da(I'm going crazy)!" she threw her dress on the floor and walked out to the living room. "Ji Hyo yah..." he sighed and followed her. "Can you listen to me?" he pulled her hands from the back. "What do you have to say?" she fling her hands away from him. "The dress isn't what you're angry about right? I know you best." he sighed again and hold her shoulder letting their eyes meet. She quickly avoid eye contact with him knowing that it would be embarrassing. "What? No. Of course it's about the dress!" she denied and sat down on the couch crossing her arms. " Scold me all you want, but Jin Hee is a misunderstanding..." he tried to get her believe him. " Then who is she?" she let her guard off and asked her softly. He smiled upon hearing her asked him. At least in this way things can be settled and it also means she's willing to tell him everything. "Ji Hyo-yah...she's just a close friend of mine previously. You know how wild was I in the club before knowing you right? She totally misunderstood my action towards her me a little? but..I can promise you there's nothing going on in between us. You do trust me right? You should know how much I love you!" he said while holding her hands.

   " Of course I trust you Oppa. It is not about that. It is just that, I don't feel like I've known you completely...a friend of yours just popped out of nowhere and I didn't even know her..." she explained it to him in frustration . "I know....but that is the past. We can understand each other more day by day right? It has been like this for three years isn't? Most importantly have to know I love you.." he smiled and lightly pinched her cheeks. "Don't be jealous anymore. People around are even more jealous of us since we're the cutest couple ever.." he brought up another joke again trying to make her smile. He knew he never failed to make her smile. " full of yourself again..arasso(okay)..I will try to forget it." she laughed at him. "But Ji Hyo...I know in the past I've been going to clubs, knowing a lot of different girls and drank with them. I hope you can understand that it is just my stress reliever during Friday before being with you. I swear my heart is for you." he told her sincerely and reminded her again. They both knew it very clearly that Gary was very wild and playful before. He goes everywhere, meet different people to search for ideas in composing lyrics. " I'm afraid of fights, I'm afraid of losing you. Forgive me jagiya.." he continued and reach out his hand for her to hug him while closing his eyes, anticipating her hug as a sign that he is forgiven. "How would I ever get angry of this sweet husband of mine..." she lean forward and hugged him tightly. "Gumawo Kang Gary..for bearing with my childish attitude through this 3 years." she whisper beside his ears and snuggle closer to him.


One month later....

   "Gary hyung! Can we all pay a visit to your house today and watch the latest Running Man together?" Haha shouted through the phone early in the morning of Sunday. "Ayeee... Why so sudden in the morning..." Gary grumbled, still half awake and yawned while he speaks. "Hyung you should be welcoming us happily. Sang-gwan anh-a-yo( I don't care)" he said it thick-skinned. "Arasso..Ha Dong Hoon, jinjja..." Gary reluctantly accepted it. "Ah Hyung! Saranghae!" he immediately cut off the phone before Gary change his mind. 

   "Jagiya..." he scratches his head and tries to wake the sleepyhead Ji Hyo up after speaking with Haha through the phone. "Just a minute..." she replied with a soft a blurry voice. "Dong Hoon-nie and the rest are coming later..." he told Ji Hyo who totally ignored him due to her sleepyness. "Are you listening?" he snuggle in to the blanket and wrap his arms around her petite body. "Oppa..jinjja pi-gon hae(tired)..." she open her eyes slightly and buried her face against his chest. "Then Oppa will go to the supermarket myself alright? I'm going to buy some ingredients to make dinner for them. " he said and crawled out from the bed. "Ani...Oppa.. bring me along." she insist to follow him and sat up with her messy lion-like hair. He smiled looking at her. He knew she would surely follow whenever he says that he's going to the supermarket. She just love buying snacks, picking her own snacks while doing a little couple shopping.

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