35 - Coping

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Sorry for the shortness... I'm hoping this is like two pages. I'll try and update quicker because I think I know how I want this to go... It might be pretty long, loool.


Who would've thought that things would get so hard.

A month later Xavier, and I were still broken up, and living under the same roof. It was hard because he was always there especially when I didn't want him too. The only plus side that has come out of that month, was that I was able to track down Paxton's ex-girlfriend, and convince her to visit him, again, and I was able to see Asher.

It was weird because Asher and I barely talked before, but during our visit I got to know him a little bit, and it felt really good to know that I had another friend that I could talk to. Also, I got a job at the café Xavier bought me coffees at multiple times. I took on as many shifts as I could, so I could start paying Xavier off, and every time I did give him money, he would just slip it into a savings account. I started looking for a small apartment too.

"Timothy?" Snapping out of random day dreaming, I smiled sheepishly at Daniel when I just noticed him in the door of my room. "We are going to eat with Anita now, alright?" My heart clenched, and I could only muster a nod. "Are you sure you will be OK alone?"

A lump rose in my throat, so I cleared my throat. "Yah, I'll be fine." No, I wouldn't. I've seen the pictures of his baby at three months, and to say that they up set me was an understatement. I didn't think something could hurt that bad. If felt like my heart was ripped from my chest, and the wound stayed open, as I watched Xavier slam a shovel over, and over the muscle.

I felt used, and irrelevant. Was that how every relationship of mine was going to go? People will get tired of me, then soon leave me for something better?

Withholding a sob, I turned my head from Daniel, and just waved him off. "I'm fine." I choked out. "Please just go." Not moving until I heard my door shut, I moved so I was laying on the bed, and pulled my legs to my chest, allowing my tears to spill from my eyes. "I can't wait until I'm out of this house, and out of his life." I mumbled lamely. All I wanted was someone to love me. What was I thinking, though. Xavier could? I mean, he was perfect. He had the life I wanted; a family to love me, siblings, a mother, a father, and friends that loved, and accepted me.

"Timothy, we are going to go now, I just came to bring you... Timothy?" Recognizing the voice immediately, I held my breath. "Nathan helped pick this out for you this afternoon." Xavier walked up to my bed, placing something beside my head.

Wiping my eyes, I lifted myself from the ball, looking towards two long objects, posters, that laid beside me. "What are they?"

"Nathan picked out The Marvels, and I picked out Superman."

I smiled softly, picking up the two rolls. "Thanks..." I trailed off, brows furrowing at the three slips of papers. "What are these?" I picked them up carefully in my hands, my eyes grazing over the bolded white letters. "No." I said, dropping them. "I... I'm sorry Xavier, but no. I'm not ready for that." Xavier frowned, and guilt consumed me. It was when he walked the rest of the way into my room, though, that I walked over to the chair in the corner, leaning the posters on them.

 "It's not for just us. Nathan wanted to go see Superman too... Remember how before you said you wanted to see it?"

I shook my head. "It's probably out of theatres now."

"I'll ask Nathan?" I shook my head, opened my mouth to respond, but Xavier cut in. "Please, do this for Nathan. He can sit in the middle, and I won't even come near you."

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