2) The Bouncy Ball

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I didn't see it before. I walked a bit closer letting curiosity get the best of me. Each step I took let me make out the object a little better. Once I came close enough for me to realize what the object was. I gasped in disbelief it was
my red, bouncy ball from when I was 5! It was kinda deflated and dirty. I wanted to get it and show my mom. But how? Mom told me to never go into the woods.

"It's only a couple feet away" I thought "what harm can be done if I just get it and come back quickly?" I looked around to see if anyone was looking, the coast was clear so I bolted into the woods, grabbed the deflated ball, and turned around only to see more woods.

"Where's the house?" I thought. "Oh no. is this why mom didn't want me coming here?" "Think Christine, think!" "Maybe I'm just imagining it!" I sure hoped that was the case. I walked further towards the new woods, hoping my home will appear again. But it didn't work.

"Damn it!" I yelled "oh crap!" I thought. "What if some dangerous beast heard me?" I was never really afraid of anything as a kid except for monsters. Oh how I hated monsters. Before my brother passed away when I was 8 he used to tell me stories about super scary monsters. It scared the living hell out of me. Ever since, I was always terrified of the thought of monsters. I looked around the woods hoping to see some sort of shelter or another living person. But no luck. It's very foggy which makes it nearly impossible to see in. I started walking in the opposite direction of the new woods. When I saw, what I think was another person, standing there staring at me. I couldn't make out if it was a boy or girl because of the fog.

"Hey...hey you, come here!" I shouted. It started running the opposite direction that I was in. I started chasing after it. It disappeared into the fog but I wasn't going to give up.

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