Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Well here is the next chapter! Thank all you lovely people for being so supportive and encouraging me to continue on with this book. I cannot believe that Mate Hater almost has 40k views! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this book would have that many views, my heart is so full from all the love- Leina♥)

**This chapter is unedited so please be kind to the writing mistakes, everything will be edited and cleaned up later, thanks again!

Nina's POV

I don't know why I thought Declan wouldn't keep an eye on me. It took him years to finally get his grimy hands on me and I was stupid enough to think he wouldn't try to stop me when I left? Maybe it was the fact that I had Jaxon and Kane by my side that made me think he would be smart enough to let me go. Then again the man was delusional so no matter who I had protecting me Declan was sure to try something.

With the little strength I had left I tried to push him off me with my legs. The attempt was pitiful, even I had to admit it. Declan laughed which only added to my anger and the shame I felt for not being able to take care of myself. I was never one to ask for help, I was too prideful for that. If I wasn't able to protect myself than how the hell would I be able to protect others? That thought kept me motivated in training and building up as much strength as I possibly could over the years. But right now I had no strength, I had nothing left inside me and the man who put me in this position knew that.

As I stared into the emotionless eyes of Declan I took a deep breath of air and shouted at the top of my lungs, "JAXON!"

If there was any hope for me to get out of this alive it was sucking up my pride and admitting that I needed someone to help me. I was standing a couple yards behind everyone else as we were walking out of the territory. Declan picked me off as quietly as he could so I doubted they even realized I wasn't currently with them.

My head slammed to the side and I felt the sting of Declan's slap on my cheek. "You little bitch." He growled as he raised his hand again to strike me. I braced myself for the impact but I soon felt the weight of his body leave. When I opened my eyes I saw Jaxon pining Declan to the ground a couple of yards away from where I was laying.

"You're a coward of a man for hiding during the fight." Jaxon said lowly to Declan. "You cause havoc for other people, yet you can't even fight when the war is brought to you. What kind of man does that?"

Kane and Keiva soon joined us. I saw a murderous look in Kane's eyes as he spotted Declan.

Declan tried to push Jaxon off of him, but Jaxon had the upper hand with his youth and strength behind him. Declan snarled when he realized he was outnumbered. As Declan caught a glance at Kane he scrunched his face in confusion.

"What do you think you're doing boy? Siding with the enemy?" Declan asked with hate lacing every word.

My brother took a couple steps forward, his back was straight and his eyes shining with rage as he moved closer to Declan. "The enemy?" Kane questioned Declan. "The enemy is you, you lying son of a bitch." In one swift move Kane grabbed Declan by the throat as Jaxon moved out of the way. "You've been manipulating me the entire time, but now my sister and I are going to get the real justice we deserve."

At his words Declan paled. He tried to quickly recover though. "Manipulating you? How could you think that? I was your father's Beta; never in my life would I try to dishonor him in such a way. Your so called sister is the liar and manipulator. Whatever she told you, you can't believe her."

The one time I tried to tell Kane the truth he didn't believe me, Declan was there and saw how Kane brushed off everything I said. Since then I haven't even seen Kane so I had no idea what Declan was talking about.

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