Chapter Ten

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After being with Rose's family for a week, Harry and Rose flew back to England and were planning on telling his family tonight. Everyone was coming over to their place and they were planning on a special dinner.

Rose had to make sure that she wouldn't ruin the surprise like she had before.

She wanted at least this dinner to go as planned. Harry was away at an engagement and she was getting everything ready, making sure they had it all.  After their visit with Rose's family, they gave John and Allison coffee mugs that said Grandma-to-be and Grandpa-to-be January 2015.  For Allison's it read, 'the only thing better than having you as a mom is having you as a grandma.'  With John's it said, 'Great dads get promoted to grandpa.'

They loved their gifts and were shocked to hear that they were having a grandchild.  They thought that Rose was just sick and couldn't believe this, but they couldn't be any happier.  John had the biggest smile on his face, but he also worried about their protection.  Harry assured them that he was doing everything in his power to keep his wife and unborn child safe.  

Rose was in the kitchen with the finishing touches for the ingredient card as Harry walked in.  She had just finished writing out the ingredients and taped the small picture on it.  

"Hello," he greeted his wife with a kiss on her lips.

"Hello, how was the engagement?" She asked as she ran her hands through her husband's hair as he got down on his knees to lift up her shirt.

"Long but good.  Lonely without you."

He pressed a kiss to her stomach.  She was starting develop a small barely there bump.  Just this small gesture that Harry did was enough for Rose to fall in love with him even more than she already did.  

"I love you, Harry."

As he pulled down her shirt again, he wrapped her in his arms bringing her closer to him.  

"I love you, Rose.  Always have always will."

"Do you think your family will like this idea?"  

"Are you only joking?  My father will love it!  He'll get a kick out of it.  Get it?"

"So funny," Rose playfully rolled her eyes at his pun joke.  

"Do you have everything set up?" Harry asked looking at everything that was set out.  

Rose had a concentrated look on her face as she looked at everything she had.  Harry stared at her and couldn't help but wonder how he got so lucky to be married by someone as beautiful as her.  She was everything that he could possibly want.  Inside and out.  She helped his crazy hectic life be a little more normal.  

"Oh, I know what I forgot.  Do we have any flour?" She asked turning in her husband's arms.  

"Flour?  Yeah, I think it's in the top cabinets."

Rose nodded her head and went in the direction that it was.  She wasn't tall enough to reach it so she tried climbing onto the counter only for her husband's arms to wrap around her waist and bring her back down on the ground.  

"What do you think your doing?" He asked.  

"I'm getting the flour.  I'm too short to get it without climbing," she tells Harry with a pout as her bottom lip sticks out.  

"I'll get it."

After Harry went and got it he handed it to his wife.  

"Thank you," she told him with a kiss.  

"What do you need the flour for?" 

"To make hand prints on my shirt."


Life As A Royal (Prince Harry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon