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I arrived home in less than twenty minutes. My aunt was waiting for me on the porch with a police officer next to her.

"You are in big trouble, young lady," Aunt (A/N) snarled at me.

"(F/N) (L/N), I have some questions about what happened in the arcade tonight," the police officer sternly said. I sighed.

"Yeah, okay," I replied and we all walked inside the house. I calmly sat on the couch as the police officer stood in front of me with a notepad in his hand.

"Can you please tell what happened at the arcade in your own words?" The officer asked and I nodded. I told him everything and he wrote down some things. "Alright, so the victim does not wish to press charges so you're off the hook for now."

"Alright, thank you, officer," my aunt sweetly said to him and showed him out. Ah, the calm before the storm. Silence filled the air as she showed him the door. "(F/N) (M/N) (L/N), YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A YEAR!" Aunt (A/N) yelled.

"Okay," I said with a shrug. She was seething.

"Get up to your room this instant!"

I smiled and started to walked upstairs and into my room. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes, a huge smile on my face as I fell asleep.


"You do realize that putting the bright future of a student is punishable by being sent to E class?" The principal asked me and I laughed.

"No shit," I replied. "That asshole had it coming anyway," I retorted. I gathered my things and started toward the door.

"Wow, Ms. (L/N). One day was all you could last?" The principal asked.

I scoffed. "Maybe if the students weren't such pricks I'd be able to stand it, but I'm fine with my 'hoodlum' friends, thank you very much," I stated and made my way out of the building. An hour later, I was at the E class building with my transfer papers in hand and a wide grin on my face.

I walked into the building and made my way down the hall. I stood in front of the door to the class I loved so much. My hand touched the knob and I opened the door.

"(F/N)!" Various voices exclaimed. I walked in calmly and handed the transfer papers to Korosensei.

"Where do I sit?" I asked even though I knew the answer. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me and lift me up. A squeal fell from my lips and my eyes met with the dazzling golden eyes. "Karma!" I exclaimed as he carried me bridal style to the back of the room. He placed me down at my desk and I laughed. He leaned in a kissed me.

When our kiss broke, his eyes bored into mine and I felt myself blush. "You're never leaving me again," he said and went to sit in his seat. Whistles and hollers echoed throughout the room and I buried my head in my hands. I peeked over at Karma and he smirked at me. "Welcome home, (F/N)," he said and I smiled. A familiar feeling of warmth and happiness spread throughout my body. This is where I belonged; Right here in this seat. Karma was right, I was never leaving again.

Psychos in Love (Karma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now