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"(F/N)?!" I looked up into bright blue eyes.

"Nagisa? What are you doing here?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

He crouched down to my level. "Forget that. Why are you crying?" He asked, placing a supportive hand on my back. I jumped a bit at his touch.

"I didn't even realize I was," I truthfully admitted.

"Are those Karma's clothes? Did he do anything to you?" He asked, growing angry.

"No! No, it's not like that. We just, um, fought," I quietly muttered.

"(F/N)!" The familiar voice of Karma yelled. He caught up to where I was. Growing angry again, I stood up and slapped his face. "I deserve that," he grumbled. I slapped him again. "And that." I went to kick his balls but he blocked it. "Maybe not that," he said.

"Karma, what did you do?" Nagisa asked.

"Ah, Nagisa, I'm glad you came," Karma said and I gave him a questioning look.

"You asked him to come here?" I asked.

"I thought it'd be better to have someone here who actually gives good advice," Karma said with a shrug. "Now will you stop being angry with me? I'm sorry I said that. I don't have a filter."

I sighed. "You know I don't want to go back there. Nobody in their right mind would. Don't ever say shit like that to me again, got it?" I spat.

He saluted me. "Yes, ma'am." I rolled my eyes as he enveloped me in a hug.

"So, um, why am I here?" Nagisa asked. I pulled out of the hug and turned toward Nagisa.

"We need to tell you something," Karma said. "But you can't tell anyone, okay?"

Nagisa nodded and we all walked back inside of Karma's house. We sat in the kitchen and I told Nagisa everything I told Karma.

"Why didn't you tell anyone sooner? We could have helped," Nagisa said. I wiped a stray tear away.

"Um, it's embarrassing. I act all badass and tough at school and I don't like showing people how vulnerable I am. And plus, my dad has threatened me before to not tell anyone or he'll kill me."

There was a moment of silence. Then Nagisa spoke. "We have to tell Korosensei."

"What?! NO!" I screamed. "I don't want that freak to know anything about me!"

Nagisa sighed. "He's not that bad, (F/N). He'll be able to help. Please just trust me with this."

I looked to Karma and he nodded. A heavy sigh fell from my lips and I groaned. "Fine, whatever," I grumbled.

An hour later, Nagisa, Karma and I were in a nearby park waiting for Korosensei to show up. I was sitting on a swing lazily moving back and forth while Karma and Nagisa talked beside me. Like a flash, Korosensei appeared in front of us.

"Korosensei!" Nagisa greeted him.

"Hello Nagisa, Karma and (F/N). Now what's so important that you called me in the middle of the night?" Then Korosensei leaned in and looked at me closely. "More importantly, why does (F/N) have a bruise on her cheek?!"

Nagisa looked at me. "Go on, (F/N). Tell him."

I groaned and stood up. Deciding to show the evidence before I went on accusing my dad of abuse, I pulled the hem of the t-shirt up just enough to show the other bruises. Korosensei just stood there.

"Who did this?" He asked in a low tone. I put the shirt down and felt tears coming up. I'm so pathetic.

"Her father," Karma said and put his arm around me. I buried my face into his shoulder to hide my crying.

"How long has it been going on?"

"Since she was twelve."

I pulled away from Karma and wiped my tears. I gave him a thankful smile and turned to Korosensei. His face suddenly turned black and his eyes turned red.

"W-What's going on?" I stuttered.

"Korosensei is pissed," Nagisa said. Suddenly, Korosensei left.

"What the hell?" I rhetorically asked. Moments later he reappeared. "Where did you go?" I asked, my fists balling.

"Your father is being arrested as we speak. You will no longer have to deal with him," he said.

"Where am I supposed to live?!"

"Your aunt on your mother's side is going to be moving here in a week. She's been notified of how your father treated you and wants to help you."

My mouth dropped open in shock. "What about this coming week? Where am I supposed to go?"

"Stay at my house," Karma suddenly said.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked.

He scoffed. "You stupid or something?" He asked.

I glared at him. "What the fu-"

"You never let me finish speaking, woman!" He yelled and I shut my mouth. "Of course I would let you stay there. I like you, you know that?" He finished and wrapped his arms around me. I felt my cheeks flush and a small smile grow on my lips.

"I guess I kinda like you too," I muttered.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," he asked even though I know damn well he heard me fine.

"Shut the fuck up. You heard me asshole."

He laughed. "But I wanted to hear it again," he whined.

I sighed. "I like you, too, Bakabane."

He rolled his eyes. "I guess that's the closest I'll get," he muttered and hugged me tighter. Suddenly a flash occurred and I looked toward Korosensei and Nagisa. Korosensei had a camera out and his face was pink with a blush.

"Korosensei! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled and he laughed.

"OTP," he sobbed and took another photo. 

Psychos in Love (Karma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now