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“You don’t want me, no

 You don’t need me

 Like I want you, oh

 Like I need you”

You- pretty little reckless

Harry POV

*Present Day*

I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s been a month since I said yes to give space to Louis. I thought it would be good you know like that saying.

About letting something go and they will come back or something like that.

But so far nothing has happen. Except for Louis becoming more distant for the last 6 months since that night.

He practically doesn’t live with me anymore. He is with her more now.

I know for sure now that it is over. What we had is gone.

I stare out the window of the tour bus while I have my ear buds in my ears listening to songs.

It is quite dark outside. We are crossing some desert in the states. The darkness is sort of comforting in a way. I don’t know how but it is.

The lads are asleep and dreaming happily. Me not so much. I can’t sleep.

I stare out the window into the darkness of the night. It reminds me of myself sort of. How cold it is and the lack of emotion.

I wonder. Does darkness have a name?

The cruelty of the dark. How cold it is. How it just feels like your alone and drowning in yourself because you’re so alone. So alone.

The hatred. The hate you feel for the people who are happy but in reality you just hate yourself.

The way we lost our way. How everything happened so fast and then everything just disappeared in an instant.

Does darkness have a name?

Would it be your name? Louis?

I sigh. I hear the familiar song of I need you now.

“Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.”

All our memories are so sweet in my mind where they permanently live now. But they are all scattered everywhere.

“Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.

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