21: Sophie = Inner Circle

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Sophie Acton followed a sniffling Melissa down the halls of the suddenly quiet hospital. Sophie's red hair had since fallen from its tight bun as it now lay flat against her back in waves of unprofessional style.

 Sophie's red hair had since fallen from its tight bun as it now lay flat against her back in waves of unprofessional style

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Sophie lifted her head silently, tilting it to watch Melissa as the dark haired woman wiped under her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Sophie told the mourning mother.

Melissa jumped the slightest, she had forgotten she had the Acton deputy following behind her. She turned her head towards Sophie, giving the other woman a nod.

"Thank you," Melissa whispered. Of course, Melissa new this wasn't real, but unfortunately, the aunt beside her didn't.

"I need you to trust me," Melissa started telling Sophie.

Sophie stopped in her steps, "I've heard that sentence before, and it normally leads to a big revelation of some serious information," she stated. "And I'm really not in the mood to arrest you for harboring something that goes against code, Melissa."

Melissa held her hands up, "Don't worry, okay? I think you're gonna want to see this."

Sophie ran a shaky hand through her hair as she released a shaky breath, "Charlie's gone, Melissa," she whispered to the woman. "My nephew is dead and now..." she shook her head, "now I don't know what to do."

Melissa grabbed Sophie's cold hands in hers, "You need to trust me for right now. Please, Sophie, this is important."

Sophie cleared her throat, giving the tan hands of Melissa McCall a squeeze before nodding, rolling her neck and setting her shoulders, "Okay."

Melissa nodded, "Just prepare yourself, alright?"

Sophie nodded as they continued walking, "Consider me prepared."

Melissa lead Sophie to a set of double doors and Sophie instantly shook her head, "Absolutely not. I am not looking in there."

Melissa sighed, "Sophie, you need to trust me and know that whatever I'm doing, it's gonna be fine."

"I don't want to see his body, Melissa!" Sophie exclaimed. "I wanna remember Charlie like he was before, not what he looks like now."

"Psst! Melissa!" A voice whisper-yelled from the morgue.

Sophie's hand went to her gun, "Who the hell is that?" She asked Melissa, leaning towards the morgue doors.

"That's where trust comes in," Melissa told Sophie.

"I'll trust it when I can see it," Sophie grumbled.

Melissa advanced to the doors, pushing past them with Sophie trailing behind her. Sophie kept her hand resting on her gun as she made her way into the morgue. Her eyes widened at the group of kids surrounding the bodies of Scott McCall and Charlie Acton.

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