Chapter 27

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The full moon had arrived and with it the night of the gathering. Dawnpaw padded after her clanmates in the night, moonlight dappling the swamp floor. As thy were walking Dawnpaw leaned over to Hazelpaw and whispered, "Should we tell Ivypaw about Amberleaf" she asked.
"What about Amberleaf" Hazelpaw meowed, looking puzzled.
"We are cousins since we share the same father" she replied. Hazelpaw a eyes lit up with understanding. "Why? She defiantly wasn't friendly the last time you saw her" Hazelpaw objected.
"I just feel like she should know" She answered. Hazelpaw nodded, relenting and as Dawnpaw thought back to the last time she had seen Ivypaw she shivered. Ivypaw wouldn't attack her in front of all the clans right? She thought. She knew it wasn't unheard of though for their to be attackes at the gatherings. She shook off these dark thoughts and realized they were now in Springclan territory. She looked around nervously and scented the air but the Springclan scent led up to the gathering place. How do they stand this she thought glancing around at the grassy plains. Further in the distance she could see trees but she still couldn't understand how Springclan cats could stand that much open space. When they arrived at the gathering place Springclan had arrived and stared at them with mocking glee.
"May we go first" Marshstar asked.
"Sure" Greenstar said. As SwampClan filed past she saw many cats shoot Springclan glares and nasty looks. When they got in Dawnpaw waved her tail for Hazelpaw to come over and Hazelpaw padded over.
"What are we doing" Hazelpaw asked.
"Waiting for Ivypaw" she replied. While they were waiting Windpaw bounded over.
"Do you want to come over with me to talk with some Mistclan apprentices?" She asked.
She shook her head and she saw a flash of hurt go across Windpaws eyes.
"What is so important you can't come over and hang out with me?" Windpaw pressed.
"Oh me and Hazelpaw are going to hang out with a Mistclan apprentice that isn't with that group" she lied. She felt guilty about lying to her friend but she couldn't tell her the truth.
"Can I come" Windpaw said brightening up.
"No sorry he only wanted us" she lied again.
"Oh okay" Windpaw said sounding hurt and angry. Dawnpaw opened her mouth to say something but didn't know what and watched sadly as Windpaw walked away. When she looked back to Springclan the rest had trickled through and along with them was Ivypaw and that cat from last time. She padded up to them and saw Ivypaw tense her eyes glittering with hostility.
"What do you want" Ivypaw said tensely.
"I just want to talk" Dawnpaw said. She expected Ivypaw to say no but she suprised her by saying yes. Dawnpaw gestured for Ivypaaw to follow her and padded off. Hazelpaw padded beside her and Dawnpaw took them to a secluded part of the camp. Dawnpaw took a deep breath.
"I know you are going to have a hard time believing this but we are your cousins" she blurted out. Ivypaw looked to stunned to speak for a heartbeat but quickly recovered her compusree.
"You have got to be kidding me" Ivypaw said incredulously.
"No it is true" Hazelpaw jumped in.
"Why would I beleive you when your clan killed my father" Ivypaw said scathingly. Dawnpaw felt a prickle of anger and pain as she thought back to when Amberleaf killed Applenose."I am going you and your clan are just a bunch of fox-hearted liars" Ivypaw spat and began to stalk off
"Did your father ever mention another mate" Dawnpaw asked. Ivypaw looked back at her with something like fear in her eyes but then continued stalking off. When Dawnpaw took her eyes off Ivypaws retreating  from she saw a brown and dark brown tabby form slinking away from the bushes. A scent wafted towards her and she froze as she smelled Poppypaw and the tom that she always saw her with scents. She glanced at Hazelpaw and saw she had smelled it too. Were they spying on us she thought. She didn't have time to wonder as she heard one of the leaders yowl to start the gathering. She padded over and was going to squeeze in next to Windpaw but she got up and sat next to Adderstrike and Mistcloud. Dawnpaw felt a pang of hurt but went and sat next to Foxpaw and Sedgebush. "I can't wait to hear them talk, what are they going to talk about?" Foxpaw said enthusiastically . Dawnpaw opened her mouth to respond but Sedgebush hushed them.
"The leaders are going to speak" Sedgebush scolded. Foxpaw nodded and sat up straighter. Marshstar stood up to speak but Greenstar hurried to the trunk. She heard Marshstar let out a annoyed hiss but didn't say anything else.
"We have two new warriors here today Tigerbkaze and Poppywing, they have earned their names from the bravery in our last battle and their skills" Greenstar announced proudly. She saw Tigerblaze and Poppywing stand up with pride shining in their eyes but she couldn't bring herself to cheer. She saw only SpringClan and MistClan were cheering. She saw Ivypaw and the tom she was always with refused to cheer and she couldn't blame them knowing how mean Poppywing and Tigerblaze were. When the cheering died down Marshstar said pointedly,
"A battle where you killed one of our apprentices in cold blood"
"Let's not forget how you killed our kits" Greenstar retorted. Marshstar just let out a sigh and fell silent.
"Prey has been plentiful and we have nothing else to report" Greenstar said before sliding back to his spot on the tree. Marshstar stepped forward and glared at Greenstar before speaking.
"Today we have a new apprentice named Foxpaw but unfurtantly her brother Robinpaw died from a attack" Marshstar said, glaring pointedly at Greenstar. Foxpaw stood up proudly nad Dawnpaw cheered loudly. She noticed SpringClan wasn't cheering but hadn't expected them too. Marshstar flicked her tail for the cheering to stop and it did. "My last two things to report are we beat SpringClan and if they come back we will be ready and prey has been running well for us"mMarshstsr finished. As Marshstar was getting off she saw Greenstar growling dangouslt and sliding out his claws like he was going to attack. She saw Sootstar noticed this and rushed forward. His report was mostly uneventful and was about how prey was running well and they had chased a badger off their territory. When the report ended the cats departed nobody wanting to stay since SpringClan and SwampClan were quarreling with ea h other right now.

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