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please read until the end

Major apologies to the people who have looked forward to an update for forever. I've honestly been at a major loss for what to write since I've felt like my recent chapters and chapters I have published before did not mesh well together.
Because of this, I have settled on a major decision. First of all though, I'm astounded by the amount of support this fanfic has been receiving despite the lack of updates. I greatly thank you all for the numerous votes and comments :) I see you people putting this in your reading lists and whatnot *insert eye emoji*

Unfortunately, I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is: I'm not giving up on this fanfic.

The bad news is: I'm planning on having major changes. I had started this when I was barely in middle school, and reading back, there were many parts that were poorly planned out, executed, and admittedly cringe-worthy. For example, if you couldn't tell, Howaito's character seems to fluctuate a bit too much throughout all the chapters (at least in my opinion) so it's hard to grasp his exact character.

Therefore, I shall basically restart this story. One of the changes would be having the Amachi triplets merged into one person since it's honestly been hard for me (the author for crying out loud) to keep track of them. Sorry for the people who actually enjoyed them ^^;; As for the other major changes, you guys will just have to find out ;)

Regarding the chosen characters people have submitted for future chapters, I will still be using them. (I have not notified the people whether I will be using their character or not yet until I've featured them in a chapter).

Now, I need you dear readers' opinions...

Should I just unpublish all the parts of the story except the prologue? Or publish another book and unpublish this one entirely?

I will leave all the parts up until I have finished a sort of outline and a few chapters of the majorly revised/newer version.

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