Meeting Falling In Reverse 6/30/12

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I met Falling In Reverse for the first time at Warped Tour 2012 on June 30th, 2012.

I was standing in line with my friend and we were fourth and fifth in line. We had bought a subscription from AP so we got cut the line passes to every band who was signing at the AP tent. Falling In Reverse just so happened to be signing at that tent that day so we were able to meet them.

AP didn't allow videos or photos and you couldn't hug them. It was just a quick sign and go. Luckily my dad got a video from far back so I'll post that on the side -----> I'm the blonde one and my friend is the one right behind me, the tall one xD

My friend and I were waiting in the line for a good thirty minutes until I saw Ronnie walking. I started to jump and squeal, causing my friend to tell me to be quiet. The rest of the band following him, Jacky pushing Derek in his wheelchair since he had broken his foot on the first day of tour. They all sat down at the table and the line began to move.

When I walked up, the lady next to Derek said "Don't forget the one in the wheelchair". I was thinking "I'm not going to forget Derek." I handed my favorite Falling In Reverse shirt to Derek and he signed it, passing it to Jacky. It kept getting passed down the line and while Ryan signed it, Ronnie did it at the same time.

I was so happy and nervous, I didn't speak at all, just smiled. Ronnie looked up at me and smiled as he passed the shirt to the last person, Ron. By that time, I was about to cry but I didn't want to cry in front of them so I blinked them back. Ron smiled at me and waved before handing my shirt back to me.

I grabbed the shirt, turned around, put the shirt to my face and cried as I walked back to my dad. I had finally met my favorite band.

My full Warped 2012 expierience in external -------->

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