Earthbound © (Nature in the poetic)

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Endangerment's  in the anguish felt violent. 

Running,  ravaged an awakening curious innocent, appears mystical and otherworldly. 

Earthbound with a longing for peace's tranquility. 

Emerging mischievous dancing in the forests atmosphere protective against the heartless. 

Monster's manifesting a sorrow infinite in the wreckage break. 

Savage in the dangerous inflicts of the careless. 

Happiness is liberated in the survival conflict. 

Infectious breathe is  taken in the wake of nature. 

Alive, in the salvation growing. 

Authors Notes: Ideal and request from KatieKatKitty, Art is by: Mezamero. I thank you if you read and enjoyed this for what it was. 

Requested © (Submitted & Written Pieces) Colliding in poetry!Where stories live. Discover now