Entanglements Satisfaction©-His & Her's Romance-

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Inspiration's: The Romance of One Day (book and movie), and Jenny1397

Carelessly romantic entanglements, go unrequited hopeless longing

Struggling in the desire impulse of adornation's wrecked, ugly decaying. 

In the break-up fallout,  of lovers in trepidation. 

A promise significant  ignites,  romance passionate and infectiously fragile. 

Reminiscent, in the affection of the lingering intentions allure. 

Attractions intoxicate, in the embrace of  rekindled feelings.

Felt. in the satisfaction beloved kiss. 

Of Darling  Phoebe and Her William. 

Authors Notes: This is one of my requested piece's for Jenny1397 and I really hope she likes it as much as I did writing it. 

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