Chapter 3.5

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"The problem is not it being a joke or not, but is there anyone stupid enough to believe it. I will go alone. Maybe someone here has already prepared a plan to kill."

"No matter how confused or upset you are, I don't mind. However, remember this; I don't know who in the world is orchestrating this, but... We don't need to be cautious of those machines or even of whoever's controlling them. More than anything, we must be cautious of ourselves. Being brought to a tropical island with complete strangers, and ordered to kill each other to escape. That creates fear in our minds, and the desire to escape that hopeless fear... is our worst enemy."

That hopeless fear is our worst enemy!

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to guess where you are now. Standing in the middle of nowhere the moment your eyes snap open, it's nowhere surprising for you. As usual, it is somewhere unknown, somewhere isolated, somewhere not real, somewhere... alone. Wherever you turn to, there is not even a single speck of light to be found. Of all things, it has to be darkness again surrounding your whole being.

What a nostalgic situation...

Well, you have always used to being alone in such darkness for most of your life. This, is the most perfect place for you to calm yourself and reflect. It can be a little cold at times, but it grants you all the feeling of peace you need.

Perhaps, this is how it feels when someone die? You wonder about that.

Regardless of how they died―either murdered or executed―do Sayaka, Kuwata, Fujisaki, Oowada, Ishimaru, Yamada, Celes, Oogami, Mukuro, and... Enoshima... feel the same peace? If the victim were to meet the one who killed them once again, would they forgive? Would Sayaka forgive Kuwata? Would Fujisaki forgive Oowada? Would Ishimaru and Yamada forgive Celes? These questions ever repeated in your head for some time after you joined Future Foundation. Well, exception for Oogami who died in fulfillment―and left no room for any regret―just like how Mukuro was willing to die together with Enoshima.

Deep inside, you believe they might do so. You guys weren't mere classmates, after all.


At first, the pain was nothing until it started to speed up. He couldn't breathe nor see properly. Those baseballs rained to all over his body, hitting him as hard as a super muscular man's punch each. His body hurted way too much to bear. Heck, it felt like he was really being tortured live in the hell. His nose broke, those baseballs even hit his eyes that they seemed to be bleeding, his whole face was swollen so bad. He wanted to shout but he had no chance to―even though he didn't open his mouth all the time, he had lost two or three teeth due to the impact. His blood stained many of the baseballs.

When will it stop already? Has it been a million? It hurts... Why does it feel like forever?

Three hundred thirteen thousand and seven hundred twenty four... twenty five... twenty six... twenty seven... twenty eight... twenty nine... thirty... ...

As the count went up and up, more and more the pain was, going one after another without a milisecond of mercy halt. Was he even still alive during 500,000? He didn't know. He shivered for simply thinking about it. When the pain has finally stopped, he realizes he is finally dead―not having to suffer from the Million Fungoes anymore. That is very much relieving. But geez, he feels rather traumatic of baseball now.

Then, in midst of the same darkness, the 78th Class' Ultimate Baseball Star sees a familiar girl walking aimlessly, turning her head to left and right as if searching for a way or something. Is this a dream? He recognizes that silky blur hair which goes until her back. "Is that you, Maizono?" He asked in a rather thunderous voice, afraid she would gone too far. Honestly speaking, he is just as clueless to why he would call out to someone he killed.

Dangan Ronpa 2 the Ultimate Loner, Chase Despair Away (Fem!Reader x SDR 2)Where stories live. Discover now