Chapter 4

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~•~Lloyd ~•~

I watch as the nin-droid carry Layla outside. He left the door open so I could see her being held up and thrown over. "no layla! " I yelled. I then could no longer felt her presence or anything of hers. The overlord started laughing as he gained more and more of my power. All I can do now is hope that the ninja can do something to stop this. "Your all alone now Lloyd and no one can save you Now. And your girlfriend and father are dead." The overlord Laughed.

"She... She not my girlfriend and I don't care what you think I'm not alone and I never will be." I said really weakly. I looked over at the computer to see it had a bar that said 37% and was rising quickly.


I woke up coughing. I was Wet and cold. I opened my eyes to see I was on a beach I looked up to see eye to eye with a nin-droid. I quickly jumped up but fell down right after. I couldn't feel my knees I started to slid backwards away from the droid. "You will never take me Alive!" I shouted throwing sand at its face.

"Hey Hey, it's me Sensei garmadon, no need to be throwing sand at me." The nin-droid spoke pulling its mask off to reveal Sensei garmadon.

I sighed before saying, "oh thank god you're alive but why are you in a nin-droid outfit and what happened?"

"You were taken by the overlord causing Lloyd to want to go after you. When Lloyd came the overlord took Lloyd and is now draining his power. And why I'm in this outfit is so I can sneak in Borg Tower without pythor knowing its me and help the ninja so I can find Lloyd." He explained.

"OK I'm in." I agreed as I pushed myself up. I felt a bit of pain here and there but it feels better than earlier.

"No you are not. You're to weak, you have barely trained, and you don't really know how to fight."

"I'm not that weak and I'm coming with or without your permission. You might be my first real Sensei but I'm not taking no for an answer." I argued stubbornly.

"Alright there is a nin-droid over there if you can take it down and get what its wearing then you can come." He reasoned as he pointed up to some trees up above us. I Started to climb up to get to the trees. When I got to the top I quickly climb onto one the trees. When the nin-droid came under me I jumped down on its shoulders. I grabbed its head then flipped. I was still holding onto it with my feet and holding it still I removed the mask then I lift it by it's feet and threw it at a tree where it passed out. Hey I guess climbing that mountain made Me a bit stronger. I then took off its uniform then put it on myself and hoped down next to Sensei garmadon.

"So how's this?" I showed off.

"Very well, we best be heading off now."


Once we finally got to Borg Tower we took the elevator up as of now our disguises are working. Once we heard the elevator ding, Sensei garmadon jumped in and after an evil Sensei Wu. I ran up to pythor jumping on his back and kicking myself off doing a flip he stumbled forward a bit before turning around and charging at me. I did a sideways Ariel moving out of the way which caused my mask to fall down. "Where is Lloyd!?" I yelled flipping straight into him hitting him with my feet.

"Oh worried about your boyfriend. It to late his already ours." He laughed before running off to the window and jumping out. I ran after him to see he had landed on a plane which flew off. I looked down to see Sensei garmadon and Sensei Wu fighting. I ran back to Pixal.

"How do you want me to help?" I asked.

"Layla its you, oh how I missed you." she excitedly huged me. "I don't really need your help up here but maybe Nya could use your assistance." She explained, without another word I went to the elevator. Quickly I changed back into my purple gi. There was a mirror in the elevator that I looked at it. It was actually really pretty I never really looked at it till now but it was purple with golden accents. It looked alot like Lloyd's but instead if the greens it was purple.when the elevator ding opening I saw a huge Samaria suit trying to fight off a bunch of nin-droids. I came in fighting off as many as I could.

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