Chapter 3: No Means No... Maybe

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It's been almost a week now since Lightning learned that she was able to transform, and almost a whole week since Ratchet was anywhere near cheerful. After Pharma opened his mouth about Lightning being able to fly, that's all he now got from his femmeling; 'Sire can I fly?' 'Can I learn to fly?' 'Why won't you teach me to fly?' Question after question, day after day; it was driving him insane! Some days he'd ignore her questions and change the subject, others he would simply tell her 'it's too dangerous' then leave it at that. By the forth day, he had really grown tired of the repetitive ordeal, Lightning however had only just started and began to try anything to get her Sire's attention and approval.

Towards the end of the week, the young femmeling had already tried everything she came up with and soon got bored. So now, she decided to take it upon herself to learn how to fly; in the house to be much more specific. A recipe sure to go wrong. She sat in the lounge with her toys quite happily but as soon as Ratchet left the room, she sprung into action. After climbing onto the couch and stacking the cushions to make platform, Lightning climbed up the platform and transformed when she was on top, wobbling before she regained her balance and studied herself with her wings. All was quiet so now was her chance. She prepared herself to jump and flapped her wings as her last hoof left the makeshift platform before, "Lightning!" Ratchet yelled in shock, causing her to freeze mid flap and drop to the ground, she almost had it! Now, she laid on the floor with her audios pinned back unhappily before she transformed back into her bipedal form and got picked up by her Sire. He looked down at her with a disapproving frown. "Young femme, what on Cybertron were you thinking? You know how I feel about you flying, and to try it in the house; you could've really hurt yourself." Lightning looked down in shame.
"I'm sorry Sire... I just really wanted to fly." Ratchet sighed.
"I know little one..." He thought for a moment. "How about this. If you promise to stop pestering me about it, and stop trying to fly in the lounge and your berthroom. I'll teach you to fly okay?"
"Really?! You mean it?!" She chirped happily and stared at him in disbelief, earning a nod and a smile of honesty. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She cheered and hugged her Sire's neckcabling with sheer joy.

During Lightning's high moment of happiness, Pharma cane through the door with a smile. Lightning ran over to him to share the great news, to say the least the young medic was surprised by his friend giving in. Ratchet chuckled and went to get his tools ready for work, of which Lightning wasn't happy about. Ratchet sighed with a small smile and kissed her helm. "I'll book a day off this week for us to spend together okay?" He suggested with hope she'd agree and hugged her lovingly.
"Okay Sire." She didn't want to, but she agreed and smiled faintly as Ratchet stood back up.
"Be good for Pharma and I'll see you later my little one." He told her with a smile as he left for work that evening while Pharma sparkling sat Lightning.

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