I Have To Do What Now?

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I was sitting in my Advanced Global Studies class and I was seriously zoning the teacher out. She was seriously like a ritard (music term :P). She obviously doesn't know what shes doing, so that would explain why i didn't hear her when she called my name. Well, the first time at least. "Jessa!!" I was snapped back from my daydream. " I turned very slowly towards her desk at the back of the room and she gestured for me to come to her. I got up and walked to her as slow as humanly possible, awaiting the punishment that was so obviously coming.

" Yes?" she looked at me over the rim of her glasses. " Did you bring your pass book?" I looked at her for a second. " My what now?" she let out an exasperated sigh and I looked at her if she was stupid. What the friggers was she talking about? A pass book? LIke bus pass? Or park pass? Or metro pass? " So, I can let you out of class..."

" Ok..... uhm.... can't you just send me to the office just like any other day? Truth is, I don't even know what you're talking about."

" The booklet where it's part day planner and pass book?"

" I don't think I ever got that." I said in a confused like voice.

" That's not possible, everyone got one on orientation day."

" I didn't come to school that day. I didn't think I needed to, I had my schedule from last year and everything was good so why should I waste a nice free day?"

" It wasn't a free day-" The phone shut her up with a shrill ring. " Hello, Mrs. Hobby's room!.... Oh yes, I've just been trying to-..... uh huh, i understand." a grimace from my end as I heard a masculine shout. " She's on her way." Without her saying anything I left through the back doors and trekked my way to the office.


At The Office:

I got to the office in about 3.5 minutes. It's a really big campus so that was like record time. I walked in and saw Judy my favorite receptionist. We've had like three since I started and they were all a bunch of butt-munching meanie-faces. " Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart-"

"Shut Up. Just go to Principle Mazur's office. He's been waiting for quite a while. Go go go go and uh... good luck." I raised an eyebrow but moved onward anyway.

I knocked on the door. I saw Mazur sitting at his desk." Maze-uh-errrr, what's up bruh?" he gave me an amused smile and said " Come, sit. There is something that we have to discuss with you."

" We?" That's when I heard the door shut. I turned and saw a familiar pair of eyes, so green, a dark green so deep and hypnotic. I broke away and turned towards Abe (Mazur).

"What's going on here?"

Cliffie. Nuff said. I'll update as soon as you want me to. But you have to WANT it. NO, you have to NEED it.

That's all I ask!!!




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Just make me FAMOUS!!!!

LAWLZ, I'm just kidding. Just get people to read and give me feedback.


He's my neighbor, We're engaged, and I hate him just enough to make this workWhere stories live. Discover now