Sun, Moon, and the Stars

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We all reach for the stars

But do we want to leave Mother Earth behind

When we rise with the sun,

It's warm rays caressing our naked skin, our bare soul.

When we fall asleep to the moon

It's cool blue fissures shedding their hue, illuminating the dark

And our dreams.

The Two shed their beams to give us life

While the stars only glimmer, and bask in their own brilliance.

We all want to go farther, to be more than contented

Yet we fear as we leave the Gods we once knew, that they will fade

Their tender light to shade

Then the stars stay far away

Then we live in the dark for all days

Grounded we are, stuck in the race between dreams and space.

Between what is always had, for granted,

And what is never attained nor given.

General Happy Poetry - 2012Where stories live. Discover now