The Face Behind The Mask ~2

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The Face Behind The Mask ~2

By the end of lunch, I've pretty much established my clique. I was with the mildly populars, the ones right below the snotty populars, of course. Guys checked me out, undressing me with their eyes. Honestly, it was a little disturbing for me, I wasn't used to all the attention. But, of course, if it was what I had to do, then I'd do it.

Lunch was coming to an end and some people started to leave. I left striding along the hallways with Krissy, the one who seemed to be the most popular of the mildly popular, if that was even possible. Nice enough, I decided to ask some questions.

"So, what does it take to be popular?" I questioned her.

"Well, first of all, you need make up plastered all over your face, and you already got that part," She half joked, laughing.

"Umm, let's see," she continued,"ever thought of getting a boyfriend?"

Truthfully, that was the last thing I wanted to do. Plastering my face with make up was already one thing, playing with a heart just to get popular points? That was a whole different category. Plus, what happens to the guy when I don't need him anymore? Poof, he just disappears.

"Well, who should I date?" I asked her, sighing mentally in defeat.

Before she could answer, the bell rang and everyone ran off in different direction to their classes. I looked at her, still waiting for an answer.

"I'll tell you after school! Meet in the football field, kay?" She called out as she walked to her classes.

I sighed and trudged over to my next class only three classrooms away. This afternoon was going to be extremely long.


Finally, after lectures on how to behave for the rest of the school year, the last bell rang and everyone went around getting phone numbers of new hot people, and gathering their stuff to leave. I, on the other hand, had other things to do, and business to take care of. Business meaning the evil little blond brats.

I went over to the football field, and noticed the jocks from last years football team. No doubt they were going to get in again this year. I thought about the cheerleading squad, too. Should I join? It'd definetly boost up my popularity, and more chances to get in the nerves of Tiffany and Brittany. Maybe, if I can stand bouncing around in short skirts and revealing tops for an hour a week.

I didn't see Krissy or her gang yet, but I obviously saw a familiar fake blond twirling her hair and making goo-goo eyes at some jock. Time to ruin her life.

I strided over to her, flipping my hair to make more of a dramatic effect.

"Hey, Tiffany," I smirked at her.

"What do you want? Do you really want me to ruin your miserable looser life?" Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Oh, my, gosh, Tiffany. I'm so proud of you! You know what the word miserable means!" I fake cheered. She was really stupid.

"What. Ever," she muttered, but I wasn't done yet.

I turned to the guy she was flirting with, "Heyy, what's your name?"

Obviously pleased I had bothered to talk to him, "Ssup? I'm Brian, and you are?" he flirted.

"I'm Adeline," I flashed a bright smile, "how's life been?"

Tiffany, standing right next to me, was getting pretty mad considering this guy she wanted to get in bed with paid no attention to her. Mentally, I laughed in her face. Look who's the one being ignored now, huh Tiffany?

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